## pocsuite3 ![Language](https://img.shields.io/badge/Language-Python-blue) ![Author](https://img.shields.io/badge/Author-knownsec404-orange) ![GitHub stars](https://img.shields.io/github/stars/knownsec/pocsuite3.svg?style=flat&logo=github) ![Version](https://img.shields.io/badge/Version-V1.2.0-red) ![Time](https://img.shields.io/badge/Join-20200821-green) ## Legal Disclaimer Usage of pocsuite3 for attacking targets without prior mutual consent is illegal. pocsuite3 is for security testing purposes only ## 法律免责声明 未经事先双方同意,使用 pocsuite3 攻击目标是非法的。 pocsuite3 仅用于安全测试目的 ## Overview pocsuite3 is an open-sourced remote vulnerability testing and proof-of-concept development framework developed by the [**Knownsec 404 Team**](http://www.knownsec.com/). It comes with a powerful proof-of-concept engine, many nice features for the ultimate penetration testers and security researchers. ## Features * PoC scripts can running with `verify`, `attack`, `shell` mode in different way * Plugin ecosystem * Dynamic loading PoC script from any where (local file, redis, database, Seebug ...) * Load multi-target from any where (CIDR, local file, redis, database, Zoomeye, Shodan ...) * Results can be easily exported * Dynamic patch and hook requests * Both command line tool and python package import to use * IPv6 support * Global HTTP/HTTPS/SOCKS proxy support * Simple spider API for PoC script to use * Integrate with [Seebug](https://www.seebug.org) (for load PoC from Seebug website) * Integrate with [ZoomEye](https://www.zoomeye.org), [Shodan](https://www.shodan.io), etc. (for load target use `Dork`) * Integrate with [Ceye](http://ceye.io/), [Interactsh](https://github.com/projectdiscovery/interactsh) (for verify blind DNS and HTTP request) * Friendly debug PoC scripts with IDEs * More ... ## Screenshots ### pocsuite3 console mode [![asciicast](https://asciinema.org/a/219356.png)](https://asciinema.org/a/219356) ### pocsuite3 shell mode [![asciicast](https://asciinema.org/a/203101.png)](https://asciinema.org/a/203101) ### pocsuite3 load PoC from Seebug [![asciicast](https://asciinema.org/a/207350.png)](https://asciinema.org/a/207350) ### pocsuite3 load multi-target from ZoomEye [![asciicast](https://asciinema.org/a/133344.png)](https://asciinema.org/a/133344) ### pocsuite3 load multi-target from Shodan [![asciicast](https://asciinema.org/a/207349.png)](https://asciinema.org/a/207349) ## Requirements - Python 3.7+ - Works on Linux, Windows, Mac OSX, BSD, etc. ## Installation Paste at a terminal prompt: ### Python pip ``` bash pip3 install pocsuite3 # use other pypi mirror pip3 install -i https://pypi.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/simple pocsuite3 ``` ### MacOS ``` bash brew update brew info pocsuite3 brew install pocsuite3 ``` ### [Debian](https://tracker.debian.org/pkg/pocsuite3), [Ubuntu](https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pocsuite3), [Kali](http://pkg.kali.org/pkg/pocsuite3) ``` bash sudo apt update sudo apt install pocsuite3 ``` ### Docker ``` docker run -it pocsuite3/pocsuite3 ``` ### ArchLinux ``` bash yay pocsuite3 ``` ### Or click [here](https://github.com/knownsec/pocsuite3/archive/master.zip) to download the latest source zip package and extract ``` bash wget https://github.com/knownsec/pocsuite3/archive/master.zip unzip master.zip cd pocsuite3-master pip3 install -r requirements.txt python3 setup.py install ``` The latest version of this software is available at: https://pocsuite.org ## Documentation Documentation is available at: https://pocsuite.org ## Usage ``` cli mode # basic usage, use -v to set the log level pocsuite -u http://example.com -r example.py -v 2 # run poc with shell mode pocsuite -u http://example.com -r example.py -v 2 --shell # search for the target of redis service from ZoomEye and perform batch detection of vulnerabilities. The threads is set to 20 pocsuite -r redis.py --dork service:redis --threads 20 # load all poc in the poc directory and save the result as html pocsuite -u http://example.com --plugins poc_from_pocs,html_report # load the target from the file, and use the poc under the poc directory to scan pocsuite -f batch.txt --plugins poc_from_pocs,html_report # load CIDR target pocsuite -u -r example.py # the custom parameters `command` is implemented in ecshop poc, which can be set from command line options pocsuite -u http://example.com -r ecshop_rce.py --attack --command "whoami" console mode poc-console ``` ## 项目相关 - 2022-07-13 发布文章[《Pocsuite3 入门教程》](https://paper.seebug.org/1931/) ## 最近更新 #### [v1.2.0] - 2022-11-03 **更新** - 支持 yaml 格式 poc,与 nuclei 的 poc 模版兼容 - 修复 httpserver 模块在 macos 平台卡住的问题 - 结合 http 状态码对 http/https 协议自动纠正 #### [v1.9.11] - 2022-09-08 **更新** - 用户可以在 PoC 中自定义协议和默认端口,方便对 url 格式化 - 使用 -p 参数给目标添加额外端口,可同时提供协议 - 使用 -s 参数可以 skip target 本身的端口,只使用 -p 提供的端口 - poc-console 优化 - 一些改进和 bug 修复 #### [v1.9.9] - 2022-08-24 **更新** - 新增根据 poc 协议字段自动修正 target 路径 - 修复 windows 平台 poc-console 高亮显示的问题 - 默认去除 target 路径末尾的 '/' 字符 #### [v1.9.8] - 2022-08-06 **更新** - 支持对 PoC 全文进行正则搜索 - 在基类 POCBase 中为 PoC 的所有属性设置了默认值 - 添加监听/反连 shell - 修复 fofa 插件分页查询的 bug #### [v1.9.7] - 2022-07-26 **更新** - 优化 poc 文件编码兼容问题 - 混淆 REVERSE_PAYLOAD 以避免源码文件触发 windows defender - 优化 --ppt 敏感信息打码显示功能