# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Author: kelvinBen # Github: https://github.com/kelvinBen/AppInfoScanner # 接收传入的参数信息,根据参数进行平台分发 import os import re import xlwt import config import threading from queue import Queue import libs.core as cores from libs.core.parses import ParsesThreads from libs.task.android_task import AndroidTask from libs.task.ios_task import iOSTask from libs.task.web_task import WebTask class BaseTask(object): thread_list =[] result_dict = {} value_list = [] # 统一初始化入口 def __init__(self, types="Android", inputs="", rules="", net_sniffer=False, no_resource=False, package="", all_str=False, threads=10): self.types = types self.net_sniffer = net_sniffer self.path = inputs if rules: config.filter_strs.append(r'.*'+str(rules)+'.*') self.no_resource = no_resource self.package = package self.all = all_str self.threads = threads self.file_queue = Queue() # 统一调度平台 def start(self): workbook = xlwt.Workbook(encoding = 'utf-8') # 创建excel头 worksheet = self.__creating_excel_header__(workbook) # 任务控制中心 task_info = self.__tast_control__() file_queue = task_info["file_queue"] shell_flag = task_info["shell_flag"] comp_list = task_info["comp_list"] packagename = task_info["packagename"] if shell_flag: print('\033[3;31m Error: This application has shell, the retrieval results may not be accurate, Please remove the shell and try again!') return # 线程控制中心 self.__threads_control__(file_queue) # 等待线程结束 for thread in self.thread_list: thread.join() # 结果输出中心 self.__print_control__(packagename,comp_list,workbook,worksheet) def __creating_excel_header__(self,workbook): worksheet = workbook.add_sheet("扫描信息",cell_overwrite_ok=True) worksheet.write(0,0, label = "扫描结果") return worksheet def __tast_control__(self): task_info = {} # 调用Android 相关处理逻辑 if self.types == "Android": task_info = AndroidTask(self.path,self.no_resource,self.package).start() # 调用iOS 相关处理逻辑 elif self.types == "iOS": task_info = iOSTask(self.path,self.no_resource).start() # 调用Web 相关处理逻辑 else: task_info = WebTask(self.path).start() return task_info def __threads_control__(self,file_queue): for threadID in range(1,self.threads): name = "Thread - " + str(threadID) thread = ParsesThreads(threadID,name,file_queue,self.all,self.result_dict,self.types) thread.start() self.thread_list.append(thread) def __print_control__(self,packagename,comp_list,workbook,worksheet): txt_result_path = cores.txt_result_path xls_result_path = cores.xls_result_path if packagename: print("========= The package name of this APP is: ===============") print(packagename) if len(comp_list) != 0: print("========= Component information is as follows :===============") for json in comp_list: print(json) print("=========The result set for the static scan is shown below:===============") with open(txt_result_path,"a+",encoding='utf-8',errors='ignore') as f: row = 1 for key,value in self.result_dict.items(): f.write(key+"\r") for result in value: if result in self.value_list: continue self.value_list.append(result) print(result) worksheet.write(row,0, label = result) row = row + 1 f.write("\t"+result+"\r") print("For more information about the search, see TXT file result: %s" %(txt_result_path)) print("For more information about the search, see XLS file result: %s" %(xls_result_path)) workbook.save(xls_result_path)