CameraKit is an extraordinarily easy to use utility to work with the infamous Android Camera and Camera2 APIs. Built by [Dylan McIntyre](
Try out all the unique features using the CameraKit Demo from the Google Play store!
<ahref=''><imgalt='Get it on Google Play'src=''height='80'/></a>
To capture video just call `CameraView.startRecordingVideo()` to start, and `CameraView.stopRecordingVideo()` to finish. Make sure you setup a `CameraListener` to handle the video callback.
You can handle permissions yourself in whatever way you want, but if you make a call to `CameraView.start()` without the `android.permission.CAMERA` permission, an exception would normally be thrown and your app would crash.
With CameraKit, we will automatically prompt for the `android.permission.CAMERA` permission if it's not available. If you want to handle it yourself, just make sure you dont call `CameraView.start()` until you acquire the permissions.
You can setup the `CameraView` dimensions however you want. When your dimensions don't match the aspect ratio of the internal preview surface, the surface will be cropped minimally to fill the view. The behavior is the same as the `android:scaleType="centerCrop"` on an `ImageView`.
When you capture output you can either capture everything - even what is not visible to the user on the `CameraView` - or just the visible preview. See [`ckCropOutput`](#ckcropoutput) above for usage.
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### `adjustViewBounds`
You can use a mix of a fixed dimension (a set value or `match_parent`) as well as `wrap_content`. When you do this make sure you set `android:adjustViewBounds="true"` on the `CameraView`.
When you do this the dimension set to `wrap_content` will automatically align with the true aspect ratio of the preview surface. In this case the whole preview will be visible.
We decided to add multiple capture modes to CameraKit to allow you to give a better image capturing experience to users with slower cameras when appropriate.
See [`ckPictureMode`](#ckpicturemode) above for usage.
### Quality
When you use `PICTURE_MODE_QUALITY` (`camerakit:ckPictureMode="quality"`), images will be captured using the normal camera API capture method using the shutter.
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### Speed
When you use `PICTURE_MODE_SPEED` (`camerakit:ckPictureMode="speed"`), images will be captured by grabbing a single frame from the preview. This behavior is the same as SnapChat and Instagram. This method has a higher rate of motion blur but can be a better experience for users with slower cameras.
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## Auto
When you use `PICTURE_MODE_AUTO` (`camerakit:ckPictureMode="speed"`), images will be first be captured using the [quality](#quality) method. If capture consistently takes a long amount of time, the picture mode will fallback to [speed](#speed).