*A fork of [Dylan McIntyre's CameraKit-Android library](https://github.com/gogopop/CameraKit-Android), originally a fork of [Google's CameraView library](https://github.com/google/cameraview). Right now this is like CameraKit-Android, but with a lot of serious bugs fixed, new sizing behavior, better orientation and EXIF support, new `setLocation` and `setWhiteBalance` APIs. Feel free to open issues with suggestions or contribute. Roadmap:*
*A fork of [Dylan McIntyre's CameraKit-Android library](https://github.com/gogopop/CameraKit-Android), originally a fork of [Google's CameraView library](https://github.com/google/cameraview). Right now this is like CameraKit-Android, but with *a lot* of serious bugs fixed, new sizing behavior, better orientation and EXIF support, new `setLocation` and `setWhiteBalance` APIs. Feel free to open issues with suggestions or contribute. Roadmap:*
- [] *delete `captureMethod` and `permissionPolicy`, replace with `sessionType` (either picture or video) such that when `sessionType=video`, pictures are captured with the 'frame' method*
- [x] *delete `captureMethod` and `permissionPolicy`, replace with `sessionType` (either picture or video) such that when `sessionType=video`, pictures are captured with the fast 'frame' method*
- [ ] *test video and 'frame' capture behavior, I expect some bugs there*
- [ ] *pass a nullable File to startVideo, so user can choose where to save the file*
- [ ] *simple APIs to draw grid lines*
- [ ] *rethink `adjustViewBounds`, maybe replace with a `scaleType` flag (center crop or center inside)*
- [ ] *add a `sizingMethod` API to choose the capture size? Could be `max`, `4:3`, `16:9`... Right now it's `max`*
- [ ] *simple APIs to draw grid lines*
- [ ] *pinch to zoom*
- [ ] *pinch to zoom support*
- [ ] *exposure correction APIs*
- [ ] *revisit demo app*
- [ ] *`Camera2` integration*
- [ ] *EXIF support for 'frame' captured pictures, using ExifInterface library, so we can stop rotating it in Java*
- [ ] *add onRequestPermissionResults for easy permission callback*
- [ ] *better error handling, maybe with a onError(e) method in the public listener*
# CameraKit
@ -24,14 +28,16 @@ CameraKit is an easy to use utility to work with the Android Camera APIs. Everyt
What to capture - either picture or video. This has a couple of consequences:
- Sizing: capture and preview size are chosen among the available picture or video sizes, depending on the flag
- Picture capturing: **you can capture pictures during a `video` session**, though they will be captured as 'screenshots' of preview frames. This is fast and thus works well with slower camera sensors, but the captured image can be blurry or noisy.
- Permission behavior: when requesting a `video` session, the record audio permission will be requested. If this is needed, the audio permission should be added to your manifest or the app will crash.
How to capture pictures, either standard or frame. The frame option lets you capture and save a preview frame, which can be better with slower camera sensors, though the captured image can be blurry or noisy.
Either picture or video. This tells the library which permissions should be asked before starting the camera session. In the case of 'picture', we require the camera permissions. In the case of 'video', the record audio permission is asked as well.
Please note that, if needed, the latter should be added to your manifest file or the app will crash.
How to capture pictures, either standard or frame. The frame option lets you capture and save a preview frame, which can be better with slower camera sensors, though the captured image can be blurry or noisy.
Either picture or video. This tells the library which permissions should be asked before starting the camera session. In the case of 'picture', we require the camera permissions. In the case of 'video', the record audio permission is asked as well.
Please note that, if needed, the latter should be added to your manifest file or the app will crash.
- `android.permission.CAMERA` : required for capturing pictures and videos
- `android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO` : required for capturing videos
You can handle permissions yourself and then call `CameraView.start()` once they are acquired. If they are not, `CameraView` will request permissions to the user based on the `permissionPolicy` that was set. In that case, you can restart the camera if you have a successful response from `onRequestPermissionResults()`.
You can handle permissions yourself and then call `CameraView.start()` once they are acquired. If they are not, `CameraView` will request permissions to the user based on the `sessionType` that was set. In that case, you can restart the camera if you have a successful response from `onRequestPermissionResults()`.