export default { 'en-us': { barText: 'Blog', postsTitle: 'All posts', list: [ { title: 'The first blog', author: 'author1', dateStr: 'May 12nd,2018', desc: 'Blog description, some text to sum up the main content of the blog', link: '/en-us/blog/blog1.html', }, { title: 'The second blog', author: 'author2', dateStr: 'May 2nd,2018', desc: 'Blog description, some text to sum up the main content of the blog', link: '/en-us/blog/blog2.html', }, { title: 'The third blog', author: 'author3', dateStr: 'April 25th,2018', desc: 'Blog description, some text to sum up the main content of the blog', link: '/en-us/blog/blog3.html', }, { title: 'The forth blog', author: 'author4', dateStr: 'April 22nd,2018', desc: 'Blog description, some text to sum up the main content of the blog', link: '/en-us/blog/blog4.html', }, { title: 'The fifth blog', author: 'author5', dateStr: 'April 22nd,2018', desc: 'Blog description, some text to sum up the main content of the blog', link: '/en-us/blog/blog5.html', }, { title: 'The sixth blog', author: 'author6', dateStr: 'April 22nd,2018', desc: 'Blog description, some text to sum up the main content of the blog', link: '/en-us/blog/blog6.html', }, { title: 'The seventh blog', author: 'author7', dateStr: 'April 22nd,2018', desc: 'Blog description, some text to sum up the main content of the blog', link: '/en-us/blog/blog7.html', }, ], }, 'zh-cn': { barText: '博客', postsTitle: '所有文章', list: [ { title: '第一篇博客', author: 'author1', dateStr: 'May 12nd,2018', desc: '博客描述,总结博客的主体内容', link: '/zh-cn/blog/blog1.html', }, { title: '第二篇博客', author: 'author2', dateStr: 'May 2nd,2018', desc: '博客描述,总结博客的主体内容', link: '/zh-cn/blog/blog2.html', }, { title: '第三篇博客', author: 'author3', dateStr: 'April 25th,2018', desc: '博客描述,总结博客的主体内容', link: '/zh-cn/blog/blog3.html', }, { title: '第四篇博客', author: 'author4', dateStr: 'April 22nd,2018', desc: '博客描述,总结博客的主体内容', link: '/zh-cn/blog/blog4.html', }, { title: '第五篇博客', author: 'author5', dateStr: 'April 22nd,2018', desc: '博客描述,总结博客的主体内容', link: '/zh-cn/blog/blog5.html', }, { title: '第六篇博客', author: 'author6', dateStr: 'April 22nd,2018', desc: '博客描述,总结博客的主体内容', link: '/zh-cn/blog/blog6.html', }, { title: '第七篇博客', author: 'author7', dateStr: 'April 22nd,2018', desc: '博客描述,总结博客的主体内容', link: '/zh-cn/blog/blog7.html', }, ], }, };