You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

334 lines
8.2 KiB

import React from 'react';
export default {
'en-us': {
barText: 'Community',
events: {
title: 'Events & News',
list: [
img: '/img/brhtqqzh.jpeg',
title: 'this is the title',
content: 'this is the content',
dateStr: 'May 12nd,2018',
link: '/en-us/blog/blog1.html',
img: '/img/brhtqqzh.jpeg',
title: 'this is the title',
content: 'this is the content',
dateStr: 'May 12nd,2018',
link: '/en-us/blog/blog2.html',
img: '/img/brhtqqzh.jpeg',
title: 'this is the title',
content: 'this is the content',
dateStr: 'May 12nd,2018',
link: '/en-us/blog/blog3.html',
img: '/img/brhtqqzh.jpeg',
title: 'this is the title',
content: 'this is the content',
dateStr: 'May 12nd,2018',
link: '/en-us/blog/blog4.html',
img: '/img/brhtqqzh.jpeg',
title: 'this is the title',
content: 'this is the content',
dateStr: 'May 12nd,2018',
link: '/en-us/blog/blog5.html',
img: '/img/brhtqqzh.jpeg',
title: 'this is the title',
content: 'this is the content',
dateStr: 'May 12nd,2018',
link: '/en-us/blog/blog6.html',
img: '/img/brhtqqzh.jpeg',
title: 'this is the title',
content: 'this is the content',
dateStr: 'May 12nd,2018',
link: '/en-us/blog/blog7.html',
contacts: {
title: 'Talk To Us',
desc: 'Feel free to contact us via the following channel.',
list: [
img: '/img/mailinglist.png',
imgHover: '/img/mailinglist_hover.png',
title: 'Mailing List',
link: ''
img: '/img/alibaba.png',
imgHover: '/img/alibaba_hover.png',
title: 'gitter',
link: '',
img: '/img/segmentfault.png',
imgHover: '/img/segmentfault_hover.png',
title: 'Segment Fault',
link: ''
img: '/img/weibo.png',
imgHover: '/img/weibo_hover.png',
title: 'weibo',
link: '',
contributorGuide: {
title: 'Contributor Guide',
desc: 'some description',
list: [
img: '/img/mailinglist.png',
title: 'Mailing List',
content: <span>this is the content</span>,
img: '/img/issue.png',
title: 'Issue',
content: <span>this is the content</span>,
img: '/img/documents.png',
title: 'Documents',
content: <span>this is the content</span>,
img: '/img/pullrequest.png',
title: 'Pull Request',
content: <span>this is the content</span>,
ecos: {
title: 'Eco System',
list: [
title: 'Eco1',
content: <span>Eco System1</span>,
tags: [
text: 'tag1',
link: '',
bgColor: '#7A63FC',
text: 'tag2',
link: '',
bgColor: '#00D0D9',
text: 'tag3',
link: '',
bgColor: '#00D0D9',
title: 'Eco2',
content: <span>Eco System2</span>,
tags: [
text: 'tag1',
link: '',
bgColor: '#7A63FC',
text: 'tag2',
link: '',
bgColor: '#00D0D9',
text: 'tag3',
link: '/en-us/docs/demo1.html',
bgColor: '#00D0D9',
text: 'tag4',
link: '',
bgColor: '#00D0D9',
'zh-cn': {
barText: '社区',
events: {
title: '事件 & 新闻',
list: [
img: '/img/brhtqqzh.jpeg',
title: '这是标题',
content: '这是内容',
dateStr: 'May 12nd,2018',
link: '/zh-cn/blog/blog1.html',
img: '/img/brhtqqzh.jpeg',
title: '这是标题',
content: '这是内容',
dateStr: 'May 12nd,2018',
link: '/zh-cn/blog/blog2.html',
img: '/img/brhtqqzh.jpeg',
title: '这是标题',
content: '这是内容',
dateStr: 'May 12nd,2018',
link: '/zh-cn/blog/blog3.html',
img: '/img/brhtqqzh.jpeg',
title: '这是标题',
content: '这是内容',
dateStr: 'May 12nd,2018',
link: '/zh-cn/blog/blog4.html',
img: '/img/brhtqqzh.jpeg',
title: '这是标题',
content: '这是内容',
dateStr: 'May 12nd,2018',
link: '/zh-cn/blog/blog5.html',
img: '/img/brhtqqzh.jpeg',
title: '这是标题',
content: '这是内容',
dateStr: 'May 12nd,2018',
link: '/zh-cn/blog/blog6.html',
img: '/img/brhtqqzh.jpeg',
title: '这是标题',
content: '这是内容',
dateStr: 'May 12nd,2018',
link: '/zh-cn/blog/blog7.html',
contacts: {
title: '联系我们',
desc: '有问题需要反馈?请通过一下方式联系我们。',
list: [
img: '/img/mailinglist.png',
imgHover: '/img/mailinglist_hover.png',
title: '邮件列表',
link: ''
img: '/img/alibaba.png',
imgHover: '/img/alibaba_hover.png',
title: 'gitter',
link: '',
img: '/img/segmentfault.png',
imgHover: '/img/segmentfault_hover.png',
title: 'Segment Fault',
link: ''
img: '/img/weibo.png',
imgHover: '/img/weibo_hover.png',
title: '微博',
link: '',
contributorGuide: {
title: '贡献指南',
desc: '一些描述',
list: [
img: '/img/mailinglist.png',
title: '邮件列表',
content: <span>这是描述</span>,
img: '/img/issue.png',
title: '报告缺陷',
content: <span>这是描述</span>,
img: '/img/documents.png',
title: '文档',
content: <span>这是描述</span>,
img: '/img/pullrequest.png',
title: 'Pull Request',
content: <span>这是描述</span>,
ecos: {
title: '生态系统',
list: [
title: '生态系统1',
content: <span>生态系统1</span>,
tags: [
text: '标签1',
link: '',
bgColor: '#7A63FC',
text: '标签2',
link: '',
bgColor: '#00D0D9',
text: '标签3',
link: '',
bgColor: '#00D0D9',
title: '生态系统2',
content: <span>生态系统2</span>,
tags: [
text: '标签1',
link: '',
bgColor: '#7A63FC',
text: '标签2',
link: '',
bgColor: '#00D0D9',
text: '标签3',
link: '/zh-cn/docs/demo1.html',
bgColor: '#00D0D9',
text: '标签4',
link: '',
bgColor: '#00D0D9',