You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

60 lines
1.8 KiB

const gulp = require('gulp');
const gutil = require('gulp-util');
const webpack = require('webpack');
const opn = require('opn');
const WebpackDevServer = require('webpack-dev-server');
const siteConfig = require('./site_config/site').default;
const webpackConfig = require('./webpack.config.js');
const port = siteConfig.port || 8080;
// The development server (the recommended option for development)
gulp.task('default', ['webpack-dev-server']);
// Production build
gulp.task('build', ['webpack:build']);
gulp.task('webpack-dev-server', () => {
// modify some webpack config options
const myConfig = Object.create(webpackConfig);
myConfig.plugins.push(new webpack.SourceMapDevToolPlugin({}));
// Start a webpack-dev-server
new WebpackDevServer(webpack(myConfig), {
publicPath: `${port}/build/`,
stats: {
colors: true,
}).listen(port, '', err => {
if (err) throw new gutil.PluginError('webpack-dev-server', err);
gutil.log('[webpack-dev-server]', `${port}/webpack-dev-server/index.html`);
gulp.task('webpack:build', callback => {
// modify some webpack config options
const myConfig = Object.create(webpackConfig);
myConfig.output.publicPath = `${siteConfig.rootPath}/build/`;
myConfig.plugins = myConfig.plugins.concat(
new webpack.DefinePlugin({
'process.env': {
// This has effect on the react lib size
NODE_ENV: JSON.stringify('production'),
new webpack.optimize.UglifyJsPlugin()
// run webpack
webpack(myConfig, (err, stats) => {
if (err) throw new gutil.PluginError('webpack:build', err);
colors: true,