You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

116 lines
2.6 KiB

// 全局的一些配置
export default {
rootPath: '', // 发布到服务器的根目录,需以/开头但不能有尾/,如果只有/,请填写空字符串
port: 8080, // 本地开发服务器的启动端口
domain: 'localhost', // 站点部署域名,无需协议和path等
defaultSearch: '', // 默认搜索引擎,baidu或者google
defaultLanguage: 'zh-cn',
'en-us': {
pageMenu: [
key: 'home', // 用作顶部菜单的选中
text: 'HOME',
link: '/en-us/index.html',
key: 'docs',
text: 'DOCS',
link: '/en-us/docs/demo1.html',
key: 'blog',
text: 'BLOG',
link: '/en-us/blog/index.html',
key: 'community',
text: 'COMMUNITY',
link: '/en-us/community/index.html',
disclaimer: {
title: 'Disclaimer',
content: 'the disclaimer content',
documentation: {
title: 'Documentation',
list: [
text: 'Overview',
link: '/en-us/docs/demo1.html',
text: 'Quick start',
link: '/en-us/docs/demo2.html',
text: 'Developer guide',
link: '/en-us/docs/dir/demo3.html',
resources: {
title: 'Resources',
list: [
text: 'Blog',
link: '/en-us/blog/index.html',
text: 'Community',
link: '/en-us/community/index.html',
copyright: 'Copyright © 2018 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx',
'zh-cn': {
pageMenu: [
key: 'blog',
text: '登录',
link: 'http://localhost:8083/index.html#/login',
key: 'community',
text: '免费注册',
link: 'http://localhost:8083/index.html#/isvReg',
disclaimer: {
title: 'XX',
content: 'XX',
documentation: {
title: '文档',
list: [
text: '概览',
link: '/zh-cn/docs/demo1.html',
text: '快速开始',
link: '/zh-cn/docs/demo2.html',
text: '开发者指南',
link: '/zh-cn/docs/dir/demo3.html',
resources: {
title: '资源',
list: [
text: '博客',
link: '/zh-cn/blog/index.html',
text: '社区',
link: '/zh-cn/community/index.html',
copyright: 'Copyright © 2018 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx',