#!/usr/bin/env bash # This script parses arguments that were passed to ffmpeg-android-maker.sh # and exports a bunch of varables that are used elsewhere. # Local variables with default values (except ABIS_TO_BUILD). # Can be overridden with specific arguments. # See the end of this file for more description. ABIS_TO_BUILD=() API_LEVEL=19 SOURCE_TYPE=TAR SOURCE_VALUE=6.0 EXTERNAL_LIBRARIES=() FFMPEG_GPL_ENABLED=false # All FREE libraries that are supported SUPPORTED_LIBRARIES_FREE=( "libaom" "libdav1d" "libmp3lame" "libopus" "libtwolame" "libspeex" "libvpx" "libwebp" "libfreetype" "libfribidi" "mbedtls" "libbluray" ) # All GPL libraries that are supported SUPPORTED_LIBRARIES_GPL=( "libx264" ) for argument in "$@"; do case $argument in # Build for only specified ABIs (separated by comma) --target-abis=* | -abis=*) IFS=',' read -ra ABIS <<<"${argument#*=}" for abi in "${ABIS[@]}"; do case $abi in x86 | x86_64 | armeabi-v7a | arm64-v8a) ABIS_TO_BUILD+=("$abi") ;; arm) ABIS_TO_BUILD+=("armeabi-v7a") ;; arm64) ABIS_TO_BUILD+=("arm64-v8a") ;; *) echo "Unknown ABI: $abi" ;; esac done ;; # Use this value as Android platform version during compilation. --android-api-level=* | -android=*) API_LEVEL="${argument#*=}" ;; # Checkout the particular tag in the FFmpeg's git repository --source-git-tag=*) SOURCE_TYPE=GIT_TAG SOURCE_VALUE="${argument#*=}" ;; # Checkout the particular branch in the FFmpeg's git repository --source-git-branch=*) SOURCE_TYPE=GIT_BRANCH SOURCE_VALUE="${argument#*=}" ;; # Download the particular tar archive by its version --source-tar=*) SOURCE_TYPE=TAR SOURCE_VALUE="${argument#*=}" ;; # Arguments below enable certain external libraries to build into FFmpeg --enable-libaom | -aom) EXTERNAL_LIBRARIES+=("libaom") ;; --enable-libdav1d | -dav1d) EXTERNAL_LIBRARIES+=("libdav1d") ;; --enable-libmp3lame | -mp3lame | -lame) EXTERNAL_LIBRARIES+=("libmp3lame") ;; --enable-libopus | -opus) EXTERNAL_LIBRARIES+=("libopus") ;; --enable-libwebp | -webp) EXTERNAL_LIBRARIES+=("libwebp") ;; --enable-libwavpack | -wavpack) EXTERNAL_LIBRARIES+=("libwavpack") ;; --enable-libtwolame | -twolame) EXTERNAL_LIBRARIES+=("libtwolame") ;; --enable-libspeex | -speex) EXTERNAL_LIBRARIES+=("libspeex") ;; --enable-libvpx | -vpx) EXTERNAL_LIBRARIES+=("libvpx") ;; --enable-libfreetype | -freetype) EXTERNAL_LIBRARIES+=("libfreetype") ;; --enable-libfribidi | -fribidi) EXTERNAL_LIBRARIES+=("libfribidi") ;; --enable-libx264 | -x264) EXTERNAL_LIBRARIES+=("libx264") FFMPEG_GPL_ENABLED=true ;; --enable-mbedtls | -mbedtls) EXTERNAL_LIBRARIES+=("mbedtls") ;; --enable-libbluray | -bluray) EXTERNAL_LIBRARIES+=("libbluray") ;; --enable-all-free | -all-free) EXTERNAL_LIBRARIES+=" ${SUPPORTED_LIBRARIES_FREE[@]}" ;; --enable-all-gpl | -all-gpl) EXTERNAL_LIBRARIES+=" ${SUPPORTED_LIBRARIES_GPL[@]}" FFMPEG_GPL_ENABLED=true ;; *) echo "Unknown argument $argument" ;; esac shift done # if ABIS_TO_BUILD list is empty, then fill it with all supported ABIs # The x86 is the first, because it is more likely to have Text Relocations. # In this case the rest ABIs will not be assembled at all. if [ ${#ABIS_TO_BUILD[@]} -eq 0 ]; then ABIS_TO_BUILD=("x86" "x86_64" "armeabi-v7a" "arm64-v8a") fi # The FFmpeg will be build for ABIs in this list export FFMPEG_ABIS_TO_BUILD=${ABIS_TO_BUILD[@]} # Saving the information FFmpeg's source code downloading export FFMPEG_SOURCE_TYPE=$SOURCE_TYPE export FFMPEG_SOURCE_VALUE=$SOURCE_VALUE # A list of external libraries to build into the FFmpeg # Elements from this list are used for strings substitution export FFMPEG_EXTERNAL_LIBRARIES=${EXTERNAL_LIBRARIES[@]} # Desired Android API level to use during compilation # Will be replaced with 21 for 64bit ABIs if the value is less than 21 export DESIRED_ANDROID_API_LEVEL=${API_LEVEL}