You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

562 lines
18 KiB

<el-timeline-item v-for="(app) in release_apps" :key="app.release_id"
<div class="directive-view-release">
<i class="el-icon-cloudy" v-if="! app.is_master"></i>
<i class="el-icon-cloudy" style="background-color: #409eff" v-else></i>
<b class="ng-binding">{{app.build_version}} (Build {{app.app_version}})</b>
<div class="release-metainfo ng-hide"
v-if="app.release_type === 0">
<i class="icon-calendar"></i>
<span class="el-icon-date">&nbsp;{{app.created_time|formattimeline}}</span>
<div class="release-metainfo" v-else>
<i class="icon-calendar"></i>
<span class="el-icon-date">&nbsp;{{app.created_time|formattimeline}}</span>
</small> &nbsp;&nbsp;·&nbsp;&nbsp;
<!-- <i-->
<!-- v-if="app.changelog" class="ng-hide">&nbsp;&nbsp;·&nbsp;&nbsp;</i>-->
<!-- <small v-if="app.changelog"-->
<!-- ng-bind="activity.distribution_name"-->
<!-- class="ng-binding ng-hide"> {{app.changelog}}</small>-->
<textarea v-if="app.editing.changelog"
placeholder="更新日志" >
<div class="release-actions editing " v-if="app.editing.changelog">
<button class="btn-cancel" @click="endEdit(app,'changelog')"><span
<button class="btn-save" @click="updateChangelog(app,'changelog')"><span
<el-input v-if="app.editing.binary_url"
placeholder="下载地址,默认本服务器,填写第三方可以 自动跳转到第三方平台" >
<div class="release-actions editing " v-if="app.editing.binary_url">
<button class="btn-cancel" @click="endEdit(app,'binary_url')"><span
<button class="btn-save" @click="updateChangelog(app,'binary_url')"><span
<div class="release-actions" v-show="!app.editing.changelog && !app.editing.binary_url ">
<el-tooltip class="tooltip-top" content="编辑更新日志" placement="top">
<el-button @click="startEdit(app,'changelog')"
class="tooltip-top ">
<i class="el-icon-edit"></i>
<el-tooltip class="tooltip-top" content="下载原文件" placement="top">
<el-button class="tooltip-top" tooltip="下载原文件"
<i class="el-icon-download"></i>
<span >{{app.binary_size}}</span>
<el-tooltip class="tooltip-top" :content="app.binary_url|downcontent" placement="top">
<el-button class="tooltip-top" tooltip="修改下载地址"
class="el-icon-link"></i> <span >下载地址</span>
<el-button class="tooltip-top" @click="previewRelase(app)"><i
class="el-icon-view"></i> <span class="ng-binding">预览</span>
<el-button v-if="! app.is_master" class="tooltip-top" @click="make_master_release(app)">
<i class="el-icon-view"></i>
<span class="ng-binding ng-scope">标记上线</span>
<el-button v-if="(! app.is_master )|| (app.is_master && release_apps.length === 1)"
class="tooltip-top" @click="del_release_app(app)">
<i class="el-icon-delete"></i>
<span class="ng-binding ng-scope">删除</span>
import {deletereleaseapp, getapptimeline, updatereleaseapp} from "../restful"
export default {
name: "FirAppInfostimeline",
data() {
return {
release_apps: [],
currentapp: {},
activity: {
editing: {'changelog':false,'binary_url':false}
methods: {
this.$router.push({name: 'FirDownload', params: { short: this.currentapp.short },query:{release_id:app.release_id}})
getapptimelineFun() {
const loading = this.$loading({
lock: true,
text: '加载中',
spinner: 'el-icon-loading',
// background: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7)'
getapptimeline(data => {
if (data.code === 1000) {
this.release_apps =;
this.currentapp =;
} else if (data.code === 1003) {
this.$router.push({name: 'FirApps'});
}, {
"app_id": this.$,
"action": "timeline",
"methods": false
del_release_app(app) {
this.$confirm('确认删除 ' + + '下 当前 release 版本吗?')
// eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
.then(res => {
deletereleaseapp(data => {
if (data.code === 1000) {
message: '删除成功',
type: 'success'
} else {
message: '删除失败,请联系管理员',
type: 'error'
}, {
"app_id": this.currentapp.app_id,
"release_id": app.release_id,
updatereleaseappFun(params) {
updatereleaseapp(data => {
if (data.code === 1000) {
message: '更新成功',
type: 'success'
this.release_apps =;
this.currentapp =;
// this.getapptimelineFun();
// this.currentapp["icon_url"] = this.currentapp.master_release.icon_url;
// this.$store.dispatch('doucurrentapp', this.currentapp);
} else {
message: '更新失败,请联系管理员',
type: 'error'
}, params
make_master_release(app) {
"app_id": this.currentapp.app_id,
"release_id": app.release_id,
"data": {
"make_master": app.release_id
endEdit(app,type) {
app.editing.changelog = false;
}else if(type === 'binary_url'){
app.editing.binary_url = false;
updateChangelog(app,type) {
this.activity.editing.changelog = false;
this.updatas = {"changelog": app.changelog}
}else if(type === 'binary_url') {
this.activity.editing.binary_url = false;
this.updatas = {"binary_url": app.binary_url}
"app_id": this.currentapp.app_id,
"release_id": app.release_id,
"data": this.updatas
startEdit(app,type) {
if (type === 'changelog') {
app.editing.changelog = true;
} else if (type === 'binary_url') {
app.editing.binary_url = true;
}, created() {
}, watch: {},
computed: {}, mounted() {
this.$store.dispatch('doappInfoIndex', [[5, 5], [5, 5]]);
}, filters: {
return content
return "修改下载地址"
formatdatatimeline: function (timestr) {
return timestr.split("T")[0];
formattimeline: function (timestr) {
return timestr.split(".")[0].split("T")[1];
getiOStype: function (type) {
let ftype = '';
if (type === "Adhoc") {
ftype = '内测版'
} else {
ftype = '企业版'
return ftype
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