#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding:utf-8 -*- # project: 5月 # author: NinEveN # date: 2021/5/27 from celery import shared_task from django.core.cache import cache from api.utils.storage.storage import get_local_storage from api.models import Apps from api.utils.app.supersignutils import IosUtils, resign_by_app_id from api.utils.crontab.ctasks import sync_download_times, auto_clean_upload_tmp_file, auto_delete_tmp_file, \ auto_check_ios_developer_active from api.utils.geetest.geetest_utils import check_bypass_status from fir_ser.celery import app @shared_task def run_sign_task(format_udid_info, short): app_info = Apps.objects.filter(short=short).first() with cache.lock("%s_%s_%s" % ('task_sign', app_info.app_id, format_udid_info.get('udid')), timeout=60 * 10): ios_obj = IosUtils(format_udid_info, app_info.user_id, app_info) status, msg = ios_obj.sign() if not status: code = msg.get("code", -1) if code == 0: msg = "" elif code == 1005: msg = "签名余额不足" elif code == 1002: msg = "维护中" elif code == 1003: msg = "应用余额不足" elif code in [1004, 1001, 1009]: msg = msg.get('msg', '未知错误') else: msg = '系统内部错误' else: msg = "" return msg @shared_task def run_resign_task(app_id, need_download_profile=True): app_obj = Apps.objects.filter(app_id=app_id).first() with cache.lock("%s_%s" % ('task_resign', app_id), timeout=60 * 60): return resign_by_app_id(app_obj, need_download_profile) @app.task def start_api_sever_do_clean(): # 启动服务的时候,同时执行下面操作,主要是修改配置存储的时候,需要执行清理,否则会出问题,如果不修改,则无需执行 get_local_storage(clean_cache=True) check_bypass_status() @app.task def sync_download_times_job(): sync_download_times() @app.task def check_bypass_status_job(): check_bypass_status() @app.task def auto_clean_upload_tmp_file_job(): auto_clean_upload_tmp_file() @app.task def auto_delete_tmp_file_job(): auto_delete_tmp_file() @app.task def auto_check_ios_developer_active_job(): auto_check_ios_developer_active()