You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
# project: 4月
# author: NinEveN
# date: 2021/4/16
import datetime
import logging
import os
import re
import time
import uuid
from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError
from django.core.validators import validate_email
from django.utils import timezone
from dns.resolver import Resolver
from fir_ser.settings import SUPER_SIGN_ROOT, SERVER_DOMAIN
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def make_from_user_uuid(userinfo):
user_id = userinfo.uid
random_str = uuid.uuid1().__str__().split("-")[0:-1]
user_ran_str = uuid.uuid5(uuid.NAMESPACE_DNS, user_id).__str__().split("-")
new_str = "".join(user_ran_str)
return new_str
def make_app_uuid(userinfo, bundleid):
user_id = userinfo.uid
app_uuid = uuid.uuid5(uuid.NAMESPACE_DNS, "%s" % (user_id + bundleid)).__str__().split("-")
fapp_uuid = "".join(app_uuid)
return fapp_uuid
def make_random_uuid():
random_str = uuid.uuid1().__str__().split("-")
return "".join(random_str)
def file_format_path(user_obj, auth=None):
cert_dir_name = make_app_uuid(user_obj, auth.get("issuer_id"))
cert_dir_path = os.path.join(SUPER_SIGN_ROOT, cert_dir_name)
if not os.path.isdir(cert_dir_path):
file_format_path_name = os.path.join(cert_dir_path, cert_dir_name)
return file_format_path_name
def get_profile_full_path(developer_obj, app_obj):
cert_dir_name = make_app_uuid(developer_obj.user_id, developer_obj.issuer_id)
cert_dir_path = os.path.join(SUPER_SIGN_ROOT, cert_dir_name, "profile")
provision_name = os.path.join(cert_dir_path, app_obj.app_id)
return provision_name + '.mobileprovision'
def delete_app_profile_file(developer_obj, app_obj):
file = get_profile_full_path(developer_obj, app_obj)
if os.path.isfile(file):
except Exception as e:
f"delete_app_profile_file developer_obj:{developer_obj} app_obj:{app_obj} file:{file} Exception:{e}")
def is_valid_domain(value):
pattern = re.compile(
return True if pattern.match(value) else False
def is_telephone_number(telephone):
if len(telephone) == 11:
if re.match(r"^1(?:749)\d{7}$", telephone):
return 'MSC' # 海事卫星通信的
elif re.match(r"^174(?:0[6-9]|1[0-2])\d{6}$", telephone):
return 'MCC' # 工信部应急通信的
elif re.match(r"^1(?:349)\d{7}$", telephone):
return 'CM_SMC' # 中国移动卫星通信
elif re.match(r"^1(?:740[0-5])\d{6}$", telephone):
return 'CT_SMC' # 中国电信卫星通信
elif re.match(r"^1(?:47)\d{8}$", telephone):
return 'CM_IDC' # 中国移动上网数据卡
elif re.match(r"^1(?:45)\d{8}$", telephone):
return 'CU_IDC' # 中国联通上网数据卡
elif re.match(r"^1(?:49)\d{8}$", telephone):
return 'CT_IDC' # 中国电信上网数据卡
elif re.match(r"^1(?:70[356]|65\d)\d{7}$", telephone):
return 'CM_VNO' # 中国移动虚拟运营商
elif re.match(r"^1(?:70[4,7-9]|71\d|67\d)\d{7}$", telephone):
return 'CU_VNO' # 中国联通虚拟运营商
elif re.match(r"^1(?:70[0-2]|62\d)\d{7}$", telephone):
return 'CT_VNO' # 中国电信虚拟运营商
elif re.match(r"^1(?:34[0-8]|3[5-9]\d|5[0-2,7-9]\d|7[28]\d|8[2-4,7-8]\d|9[5,7,8]\d)\d{7}$", telephone):
return 'CM_BO' # 中国移动
elif re.match(r"^1(?:3[0-2]|[578][56]|66|96)\d{8}$", telephone):
return 'CU_BO' # 中国联通
elif re.match(r"^1(?:33|53|7[37]|8[019]|9[0139])\d{8}$", telephone):
return 'CT_BO' # 中国电信
elif re.match(r"^1(?:92)\d{8}$", telephone):
return 'CBN_BO' # 中国广电
return False
elif len(telephone) == 13:
if re.match(r"^14(?:40|8\d)\d{9}$", telephone):
return 'CM_IoT' # 中国移动物联网数据卡
elif re.match(r"^14(?:00|6\d)\d{9}$", telephone):
return 'CU_IoT' # 中国联通物联网数据卡
elif re.match(r"^14(?:10)\d{9}$", telephone):
return 'CT_IoT' # 中国电信物联网数据卡
return False
return False
def is_valid_phone(value):
# phone_pat = re.compile('^(13\d|14[5|7]|15\d|166|17[3|6|7]|18\d)\d{8}$')
# return True if str(value) and, str(value)) else False"valid phone {value}")
return str(value) and is_telephone_number(str(value))
def is_valid_email(email):
return True
except ValidationError:
return False
def get_dict_from_filter_fields(filter_fields, data):
filter_data = {}
for filed in filter_fields:
f_value = data.get(filed, None)
if f_value:
if f_value == 'true':
f_value = True
if f_value == 'false':
f_value = False
filter_data[filed] = f_value
return filter_data
def format_storage_selection(storage_info_list, storage_choice_list):
storage_info_list.append({'id': -1, 'storage_type': 3, 'name': '默认存储'})
for storage_choice in storage_choice_list:
storage_choice['storage_info'] = []
for storage_info in storage_info_list:
if storage_info.get('storage_type') == storage_choice.get('id', ):
{'name': storage_info.get('name', ''), 'id': storage_info.get('id', '')})
for storage_choice in storage_choice_list:
if not storage_choice['storage_info']:
return storage_choice_list
def get_cname_from_domain(domain):
dns_list = [
["", ""],
["", ""],
["", ""],
dns_resolver = Resolver()
domain = domain.lower().strip()
count = 3
while count:
dns_resolver.nameservers = dns_list[len(dns_list) - count]
return dns_resolver.resolve(domain, 'CNAME')[0].to_text()
except Exception as e:
logger.error(f"dns {dns_resolver.nameservers} resolve {domain} failed Exception:{e}")
count -= 1
if count <= 0:
return str(None)
def get_user_default_domain_name(domain_cname_obj):
if domain_cname_obj:
return domain_cname_obj.is_https, domain_cname_obj.domain_record
return None, None
def get_server_domain_from_request(request, server_domain):
if not server_domain or not server_domain.startswith("http"):
http_host = request.META.get('HTTP_HOST')
server_protocol = request.META.get('SERVER_PROTOCOL')
protocol = 'https'
if server_protocol == 'HTTP/1.1':
protocol = 'http'
server_domain = "%s://%s" % (protocol, http_host)
return server_domain
def get_http_server_domain(request):
server_domain = SERVER_DOMAIN.get('POST_UDID_DOMAIN', None)
return get_server_domain_from_request(request, server_domain)
def get_post_udid_url(request, short):
server_domain = get_http_server_domain(request)
path_info_lists = [server_domain, "udid", short]
return "/".join(path_info_lists)
def format_apple_date(s_date):
f_date = datetime.datetime.strptime(s_date, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.000+0000')
if not timezone.is_naive(f_date):
f_date = timezone.make_naive(f_date, timezone.utc)
return f_date
def get_format_time():
now =
if not timezone.is_naive(now):
now = timezone.make_naive(now, timezone.utc)
return now.strftime('%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S')
def check_app_password(app_password, password):
if app_password != '':
if password is None:
return None
if app_password.lower() != password.strip().lower():
return None
return True
def get_real_ip_address(request):
if request.META.get('HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR', None):
return request.META.get('HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR')
return request.META.get('REMOTE_ADDR')
def get_origin_domain_name(request):
meta = request.META
return request.META.get('HTTP_ORIGIN', meta.get('HTTP_REFERER', 'http://xxx/xxx')).split('//')[-1].split('/')[0]
def format_get_uri(domain, short, data):
uri = ''
for k, v in data.items():
if v:
uri += f'&{k}={v}'
if uri:
uri = '?' + uri[1:]
return f'{domain}/{short}{uri}'