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#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
# project: 4月
# author: liuyu
# date: 2021/4/11
import logging
from django.contrib import auth
from rest_framework.views import APIView
from api.utils.auth.util import AuthInfo
from api.utils.serializer import UserInfoSerializer
from api.utils.utils import set_user_token
from common.core.auth import ExpiringTokenAuthentication
from common.core.response import ApiResponse
from common.core.sysconfig import Config
from common.core.throttle import VisitRegister1Throttle, VisitRegister2Throttle
from common.utils.caches import login_auth_failed
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class LoginView(APIView):
throttle_classes = [VisitRegister1Throttle, VisitRegister2Throttle]
def post(self, request):
receive =
username = receive.get("username", None)
code = 1000
msg = 'success'
data = None
# if Config.LOGIN.get("captcha"):
# is_valid = valid_captcha(receive.get("captcha_key", None), receive.get("verify_code", None), username)
# else:
# is_valid = True
if True:
if login_auth_failed("get", username):
password = receive.get("password")
user = auth.authenticate(username=username, password=password)"username:{username} password:{password}")
if user:
if user.is_active:
if user.role == 3:
login_auth_failed("del", username)
key, user_info = set_user_token(user, request)
data = {
"username": user_info.username,
"token": key
msg = "权限拒绝"
code = 1003
msg = "用户被禁用"
code = 1005
login_auth_failed("set", username)
msg = "密码或者账户有误"
code = 1002
code = 1006
logger.error(f"username:{username} failed too try , locked")
msg = "用户登录失败次数过多,已被锁定,请1小时之后再次尝试"
code = 1001
msg = "验证码有误"
return ApiResponse(code=code, msg=msg, data=data)
def get(self, request):
auth_obj = AuthInfo(Config.LOGIN.get("captcha"), False)
data = auth_obj.make_rules_info()
return ApiResponse(data=data)
class LoginUserView(APIView):
throttle_classes = [VisitRegister1Throttle, VisitRegister2Throttle]
authentication_classes = [ExpiringTokenAuthentication, ]
def get(self, request):
serializer = UserInfoSerializer(request.user, )
return ApiResponse(