You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

50 lines
1.5 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
# project: 3月
# author: liuyu
# date: 2020/3/22
import json
import requests
class JiGuangMsgSender(object):
def __init__(self, app_key, master_secret, sign_id, template_code):
self.template_code = template_code
self.sign_id = sign_id
self.session = requests.Session()
self.session.auth = (app_key, master_secret)
def _post(self, end_point, body):
return self._request('POST', end_point, body)
def _request(self, method, end_point, body=None):
uri = self.BASE_URL + end_point
if body is not None:
body = json.dumps(body)
r = self.session.request(method, uri, data=body)
if 0 == len(r.content):
return r.status_code
return r.json()
def send_msg(self, template_code, phone, code):
body = {
'mobile': phone,
'temp_id': template_code,
'temp_para': {'code': code},
'sign_id': self.sign_id
response = self._post('messages', body)
if response.get('msg_id', None):
return True, response.get('msg_id')
return False, response.get('error')
def send_msg_by_act(self, phone, code, act):
if act not in self.template_code.keys():
return False, f'act {act} not found'
return self.send_msg(self.template_code.get(act), phone, code)