*A fork of [Dylan McIntyre's CameraKit-Android library](https://github.com/gogopop/CameraKit-Android), originally a fork of [Google's CameraView library](https://github.com/google/cameraview). The library at this point has been completely rewritten and refactored. See [below](#roadmap) for a list of what was done. This works better than any other library I have tried, and I would be grateful for any issue, suggestion or contribution.*
CameraView is a well documented, high-level library that makes capturing pictures and videos easy, addressing most of the common issues and needs, and still leaving you with flexibility where needed.
To capture video just call `CameraView.startRecordingVideo(file)` to start, and `CameraView.stopRecordingVideo()` to finish. Make sure you setup a `CameraListener` to handle the video callback.
`CameraView` has a smart measuring behavior that will let you do what you want with a few flags.
Measuring is controlled simply by `layout_width` and `layout_height` attributes, with this meaning:
-`WRAP_CONTENT` : try to stretch this dimension to respect the preview aspect ratio.
-`MATCH_PARENT` : fill this dimension, even if this means ignoring the aspect ratio.
- Fixed values (e.g. `500dp`) : respect this dimension.
You can have previews of all sizes, not just the supported presets. Whaterever you do, the preview will never be distorted.
### Center inside
You can emulate a **center inside** behavior (like the `ImageView` scaletype) by setting both dimensions to `wrap_content`. The camera will get the biggest possible size that fits into your bounds, just like what happens with image views.
This means that the whole preview is visible, and the image output matches what was visible during the capture.
### Center crop
You can emulate a **center crop** behavior by setting both dimensions to fixed values or to `MATCH_PARENT`. The camera view will fill the rect. If your dimensions don't match the aspect ratio of the internal preview surface, the surface will be cropped to fill the view, just like `android:scaleType="centerCrop"` on an `ImageView`.
This means that part of the preview is hidden, and the image output will contain parts of the scene that were not visible during the capture. If this is a problem, see [cameraCropOutput](#cameracropoutput).
- Sizing: capture and preview size are chosen among the available picture or video sizes, depending on the flag. When `picture`, we choose the max possible picture size and adapt the preview. When `video`, we respect the `videoQuality` choice and adapt the picture and the preview size.
- Picture capturing: due to sizing behavior, capturing pictures in `video` mode might lead to inconsistent results. In this case it is encouraged to use `captureSnapshot` instead, which will capture preview frames. This is fast and thus works well with slower camera sensors.
- Picture capturing: while recording a video, image capturing might work, but it is not guaranteed (it's device dependent)
- Permission behavior: when requesting a `video` session, the record audio permission will be requested. If this is needed, the audio permission should be added to your manifest or the app will crash.
Focus behavior. Can be off, continuous (camera continuously tries to adapt its focus), tap (focus is driven by the user tap) and tapWithMarker (a marker is drawn on screen to indicate focusing).
Lets you enable built-in pinch-to-zoom behavior. This means that the camera will capture two-finger gestures and move the zoom value accordingly. Nothing is drawn on screen, but you can listen to `onZoomChanged` in your camera listener.
Lets you draw grids over the camera preview. Supported values are `off`, `grid3x3` and `grid4x4` for regular grids, and `phi` for a grid based on the golden ratio constant, often used in photography.
Other APIs are provided and are well documented and commented in code.
|`getCameraOptions()`|If camera was started, returns non-null object with information about what is supported.|
|`getExtraProperties()`|If camera was started, returns non-null object with extra information about the camera sensor. Not very useful at the moment.|
|`setLocation(double, double)`|Sets latitude and longitude to be appended to picture/video metadata.|
|`setZoom(float)`|Sets a zoom value, where 0 means camera zoomed out and 1 means zoomed in. No-op if zoom is not supported, or camera not started.|
|`setExposureCompensation(float)`|Sets exposure compensation EV value, in camera stops. No-op if this is not supported. Should be between the bounds returned by CameraOptions.|
|`isStarted()`|Returns true if `start()` was called succesfully. This does not mean that camera is open or showing preview.|
|`getPreviewSize()`|Returns the size of the preview surface. If CameraView was not constrained in its layout phase (e.g. it was `wrap_content`), this will return the same aspect ratio of CameraView.|
|`getSnapshotSize()`|Returns `getPreviewSize()`, since a snapshot is a preview frame.|
|`getPictureSize()`|Returns the size of the output picture. The aspect ratio is consistent with `getPreviewSize()`.|
You can handle permissions yourself and then call `CameraView.start()` once they are acquired. If they are not, `CameraView` will request permissions to the user based on the `sessionType` that was set. In that case, you can restart the camera if you have a successful response from `onRequestPermissionResults()`.
- [ ] add a `setPreferredAspectRatio` API to choose the capture size. Preview size will adapt, and then, if let free, the CameraView will adapt as well