CameraKit is an extraordinarily easy to use utility to work with the infamous Android Camera and Camera2 APIs. Built by [Dylan McIntyre](
Try out all the unique features using the CameraKit Demo from the Google Play store!
<ahref=''><imgalt='Get it on Google Play'src=''height='80'/></a>
## Features
- Image and video capture seamlessly working with the same preview session.
- Automatic system permission handling.
- Automatic preview scaling.
- Create a `CameraView` of any size (not just presets!).
- Automatic output cropping to match your `CameraView` bounds.
- Multiple capture modes.
- `PICTURE_MODE_QUALITY`: an image captured normally using the camera APIs.
- `PICTURE_MODE_SPEED`: a freeze frame of the `CameraView` preview (similar to SnapChat and Instagram) for devices with slower cameras.
- Automatic picture mode determination based on measured speed.
## Setup
## Setup
Add __CameraKit__ to your dependencies block:
Add __CameraKit__ to the dependencies block in your `app` level `build.gradle`: