*A fork of [Dylan McIntyre's CameraKit-Android library](https://github.com/gogopop/CameraKit-Android), originally a fork of [Google's CameraView library](https://github.com/google/cameraview).*
*A fork of [Dylan McIntyre's CameraKit-Android library](https://github.com/gogopop/CameraKit-Android), originally a fork of [Google's CameraView library](https://github.com/google/cameraview). Right now this is like CameraKit-Android, but with a lot of serious bugs fixed, new sizing behavior, better orientation and EXIF support, new `setLocation` and `setWhiteBalance` APIs. Feel free to open issues with suggestions or contribute. Roadmap:*
- [ ] *delete `captureMethod` and `permissionPolicy`, replace with `sessionType` (either picture or video) such that when `sessionType=video`, pictures are captured with the 'frame' method*
- [ ] *test video and 'frame' capture behavior, I expect some bugs there*
- [ ] *rethink `adjustViewBounds`, maybe replace with a `scaleType` flag (center crop or center inside)*
- [ ] *add a `sizingMethod` API to choose the capture size? Could be `max`, `4:3`, `16:9`... Right now it's `max`*