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1.17.2 |
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--- |
layout: page |
title: "Camera Events" |
subtitle: "Events and lifecycle" |
category: docs |
date: 2018-12-20 20:02:08 |
order: 1 |
--- |
The camera engine will notify anyone about camera events that took place, either on their own or |
after developer action. To access these events, set up one or more `CameraListener` instances. |
All actions taken on a `CameraView` instance are asynchronous, which means that the callback can be |
executed at any time in the future. For convenience, all of them are executed on the UI thread. |
```java |
camera.addCameraListener(new CameraListener() { |
public void onCameraOpened(CameraOptions options) {} |
public void onCameraClosed() {} |
public void onCameraError(CameraException error) {} |
public void onPictureTaken(PictureResult result) {} |
public void onVideoTaken(VideoResult result) {} |
public void onOrientationChanged(int orientation) {} |
public void onFocusStart(PointF point) {} |
public void onFocusEnd(boolean successful, PointF point) {} |
public void onZoomChanged(float newValue, float[] bounds, PointF[] fingers) {} |
public void onExposureCorrectionChanged(float newValue, float[] bounds, PointF[] fingers) {} |
}); |
``` |
### Lifecycle |
CameraView has its own lifecycle, which is basically made of an open and a closed state. |
You will listen to these events using `onCameraOpened` and `onCameraClosed` callbacks: |
```java |
camera.addCameraListener(new CameraListener() { |
/** |
* Notifies that the camera was opened. |
* The options object collects all supported options by the current camera. |
*/ |
@Override |
public void onCameraOpened(CameraOptions options) {} |
/** |
* Notifies that the camera session was closed. |
*/ |
@Override |
public void onCameraClosed() {} |
}); |
``` |
The open callback is especially important because the `CameraOptions` includes all the available |
options of the current sensor. This can be used to adjust the UI, for example, show a flash icon |
if flash is supported. |
### Related APIs |
|Method|Description| |
|------|-----------| |
|`open()`|Starts the engine. This will cause a future call to `onCameraOpened()` (or an error)| |
|`close()`|Stops the engine. This will cause a future call to `onCameraClosed()`| |
|`isOpened()`|Returns true if `open()` was called successfully. This does not mean that camera is showing preview already.| |
|`getCameraOptions()`|If camera was opened, returns non-null object with information about what is supported.| |
Take a look at public methods in `CameraOptions` to know more. |
@ -0,0 +1,105 @@ |
--- |
layout: page |
title: "Capture Size" |
subtitle: "Set size of output media" |
category: docs |
order: 8 |
date: 2018-12-20 22:07:22 |
--- |
If you are planning to use the snapshot APIs, the size of the media output is that of the preview, |
accounting for any cropping made when [measuring the view](preview-size.html). |
If you are planning to use the standard APIs for capturing, then what follows applies. |
### Controlling Size |
Size is controlled using `setPictureSize` and `setVideoSize` for, respectively, picture and video |
output. These method will accept a `SizeSelector`. The point of a `SizeSelector` is to analyze the |
available sizes that the sensor offers, and choose the ones it prefers. |
```java |
// This will be the size of pictures taken with takePicture(). |
cameraView.setPictureSize(new SizeSelector() { |
@Override |
public List<Size> select(List<Size> source) { |
// Receives a list of available sizes. |
// Must return a list of acceptable sizes. |
} |
}); |
// This will be the size of videos taken with takeVideo(). |
cameraView.setVideoSize(new SizeSelector() { |
@Override |
public List<Size> select(List<Size> source) { |
// Same here. |
} |
}); |
``` |
In practice, this is way easier using XML attributes or leveraging the `SizeSelectors` utilities. |
### XML attributes |
```xml |
<com.otaliastudios.cameraview.CameraView |
app:cameraPictureSizeMinWidth="100" |
app:cameraPictureSizeMinHeight="100" |
app:cameraPictureSizeMaxWidth="3000" |
app:cameraPictureSizeMaxHeight="3000" |
app:cameraPictureSizeMinArea="10000000" |
app:cameraPictureSizeMaxArea="50000000" |
app:cameraPictureSizeAspectRatio="1:1" |
app:cameraPictureSizeSmallest="true|false" |
app:cameraPictureSizeBiggest="true|false" |
app:cameraVideoSizeMinWidth="100" |
app:cameraVideoSizeMinHeight="100" |
app:cameraVideoSizeMaxWidth="3000" |
app:cameraVideoSizeMaxHeight="3000" |
app:cameraVideoSizeMinArea="10000000" |
app:cameraVideoSizeMaxArea="50000000" |
app:cameraVideoSizeAspectRatio="1:1" |
app:cameraVideoSizeSmallest="true|false" |
app:cameraVideoSizeBiggest="true|false" |
/> |
``` |
The `cameraPicture*` attributes are used in picture mode, while the `cameraVideo*` attributes are used in video mode. |
Note that, for each mode, if you declare more than one XML constraint, the resulting selector will try |
to match **all** the constraints. Be careful - it is very likely that applying lots of constraints will give empty results. |
### SizeSelectors utilities |
All these XML attrs are actually shorthands to some `SizeSelectors` utility method. |
For more versatility, or to address selection issues with multiple constraints, |
we encourage you to use `SizeSelectors` to get a selector, and then apply it to the `CameraView` as seen. |
The utilities will even let you merge different selectors with `or` or `and` logic, in a very |
intuitive way. For example: |
```java |
SizeSelector width = SizeSelectors.minWidth(1000); |
SizeSelector height = SizeSelectors.minHeight(2000); |
SizeSelector dimensions = SizeSelectors.and(width, height); // Matches sizes bigger than 1000x2000. |
SizeSelector ratio = SizeSelectors.aspectRatio(AspectRatio.of(1, 1), 0); // Matches 1:1 sizes. |
SizeSelector result = SizeSelectors.or( |
SizeSelectors.and(ratio, dimensions), // Try to match both constraints |
ratio, // If none is found, at least try to match the aspect ratio |
SizeSelectors.biggest() // If none is found, take the biggest |
); |
camera.setPictureSize(result); |
camera.setVideoSize(result); |
``` |
This selector will try to find square sizes bigger than 1000x2000. If none is found, it falls back |
to just square sizes. |
### Related APIs |
|Method|Description| |
|------|-----------| |
|`setPictureSize(SizeSelector)`|Provides a size selector for the capture size in `PICTURE` mode.| |
|`setVideoSize(SizeSelector)`|Provides a size selector for the capture size in `VIDEO` mode.| |
|`getPictureSize()`|Returns the size of the output picture, including any rotation. Returns null in `VIDEO` mode.| |
|`getVideoSize()`|Returns the size of the output video, including any rotation. Returns null in `PICTURE` mode.| |
@ -0,0 +1,82 @@ |
--- |
layout: page |
title: "Capturing Media" |
subtitle: "Taking pictures and videos" |
category: docs |
order: 3 |
date: 2018-12-20 20:53:17 |
--- |
This section introduces some key concepts about media capturing, and about the `Mode` control. |
### Mode control |
The mode control determines what can be captured with the standard APIs (read below). It can be set through XML |
or dynamically changed using `cameraView.setMode()`. The current mode value has a few consequences: |
- Sizing: the capture size is chosen among the available picture or video sizes, |
depending on the flag, according to the given size selector. |
- Capturing: while in picture mode, `takeVideo` will throw an exception. |
- Capturing: while in video mode, `takePicture` will throw an exception. |
- Permission behavior: when requesting a `video` session, the record audio permission will be requested. |
If this is needed, the audio permission should be added to your manifest or the app will crash. |
Please read the [permissions page](runtime-permissions.html). |
```java |
cameraView.setMode(Mode.PICTURE); // for pictures |
cameraView.setMode(Mode.VIDEO); // for video |
``` |
### Capturing media |
The library supports 4 capture APIs, two for pictures and two for videos. |
- Standard APIs: `takePicture()` and `takeVideo()`. These take a high quality picture or video, depending |
on the configuration values that were used. The standard APIs **must** be called in the appropriate `Mode`. |
- Snapshot APIs: `takePictureSnapshot()` and `takeVideoSnapshot()`. These take a super fast, reliable |
snapshot of the camera preview. The snapshot APIs can be called in any `Mode` (you can snap videos in picture mode). |
Beyond being extremely fast, and small in size (though low quality), snapshot APIs have the benefit |
that the result is automatically cropped to match the view bounds. This means that, if `CameraView` is square, |
resulting snapshots are square as well, no matter what the sensor available sizes are. |
|Method|Takes|Quality|Callable in `Mode.PICTURE`|Callable in `Mode.VIDEO`|Auto crop|Output size| |
|------|-----|-------|--------------------------|------------------------|---------|-----------| |
|`takePicture()`|Pictures|Standard|`yes`|`no`|`no`|That of `setPictureSize`| |
|`takeVideo(File)`|Videos|Standard|`no`|`yes`|`no`|That of `setVideoSize`| |
|`takePictureSnapshot()`|Pictures|Snapshot|`yes`|`yes`|`yes`|That of the view| |
|`takeVideoSnapshot(File)`|Videos|Snapshot|`yes`|`yes`|`yes`|That of the view| |
Please note that the video snaphot features requires: |
- API 18. If called before, it throws |
- An OpenGL preview (see [previews](previews.html)). If not, it throws |
### Capturing pictures while recording |
This is allowed at the following conditions: |
- `takePictureSnapshot()` is used (no HQ pictures) |
- the OpenGL preview is used (see [previews](previews.html)) |
### Related XML attributes |
```xml |
<com.otaliastudios.cameraview.CameraView |
app:cameraMode="picture|video"/> |
``` |
### Related APIs |
|Method|Description| |
|------|-----------| |
|`setMode()`|Either `Mode.VIDEO` or `Mode.PICTURE`.| |
|`isTakingVideo()`|Returns true if the camera is currently recording a video.| |
|`isTakingPicture()`|Returns true if the camera is currently capturing a picture.| |
|`takePicture()`|Takes a high quality picture.| |
|`takeVideo(File)`|Takes a high quality video.| |
|`takePictureSnapshot()`|Takes a picture snapshot.| |
|`takeVideoSnapshot(File)`|Takes a video snapshot.| |
|`getPictureSize()`|Returns the output picture size, accounting for any rotation. Null while in `VIDEO` mode.| |
|`getVideoSize()`|Returns the output video size, accounting for any rotation. Null while in `PICTURE` mode.| |
|`getSnapshotSize()`|Returns the size of pictures taken with `takePictureSnapshot()` or videos taken with `takeVideoSnapshot()`. Accounts for rotation and cropping.| |
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title: "Changelog" |
category: about |
date: 2018-12-20 17:49:29 |
order: 3 |
--- |
New versions are released through GitHub, so the reference page is the [GitHub Releases]( page. |
### v2.0.0-beta01 |
This is the first beta release. For changes with respect to v1, please take a look at the [migration guide](../extra/v1-migration-guide.html). |
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title: "Contact" |
category: extra |
date: 2018-12-20 19:47:10 |
order: 4 |
--- |
This library was mostly developed by [Mattia Iavarone]( (@natario1), |
that you can also contact personally by <a href="">sending an email.</a> |
You can use the [project GitHub page]( for any kind of communication |
regarding the library. For non-issues, please refer to the email address above. |
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title: "Contributing & License" |
category: extra |
date: 2018-12-20 19:28:45 |
order: 3 |
--- |
Everyone is welcome to contribute with suggestions or pull requests, as the library is under active development, |
although it has reached a high level of stability. |
We are grateful to anyone who has contributed with fixes, features or feature requests. |
## Bug reports |
Please make sure to fill the bug report issue template on GitHub. |
We highly recommend to try to reproduce the bug in the demo app, as this helps a lot in debugging |
and excludes programming errors from your side. |
Make sure to include: |
- A clear and concise description of what the bug is |
- CameraView version, device type, Android API level |
- Exact steps to reproduce the issue |
- Description of the expected behavior |
Recommended extras: |
- Screenshots |
- LogCat logs (use `CameraLogger.setLogLevel(LEVEL_VERBOSE)` to print all) |
- Link to a GitHub repo where the bug is reproducible |
## Pull Requests |
Please open an issue first. |
Unless your PR is a simple fix (typos, documentation, bugs with obvious solution), opening an issue |
will let us discuss the problem, take design decisions and have a reference to the issue description. |
Please write tests. |
Unless the code was already not covered by tests, updated tests are required for merging. The lib |
has a few unit tests and more robust tests in the `androidTest` folder, which can be run by Android Studio. |
## License |
CameraView was formally born as a fork of [CameraKit-Android]( |
and [Google's CameraView](, but has been completely rewritten since. |
CameraKit's source code is licensed under the [MIT]( license. |
CameraView is licensed under the [MIT]( license as well. |
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title: "Controls" |
subtitle: "Output parameters and capture options" |
category: docs |
order: 2 |
date: 2018-12-20 21:08:53 |
--- |
CameraView supports a wide range of controls that will control the behavior of the sensor or the |
quality of the output. |
Everything can be controlled through XML parameters or programmatically. For convenience, most options |
are represented by `enum` classes extending the `Control` class. This makes it possible to use |
`CameraView.set(Control)` to set the given control, or `CameraOptions.supports(Control)` to see if it is supported. |
### XML Attributes |
```xml |
<com.otaliastudios.cameraview.CameraView |
app:cameraFacing="front|back" |
app:cameraFlash="off|on|auto|torch" |
app:cameraWhiteBalance="auto|incandescent|fluorescent|daylight|cloudy" |
app:cameraHdr="off|on" |
app:cameraAudio="on|off" |
app:cameraAudioBitRate="0" |
app:cameraVideoCodec="deviceDefault|h263|h264" |
app:cameraVideoMaxSize="0" |
app:cameraVideoMaxDuration="0" |
app:cameraVideoBitRate="0"/> |
``` |
### APIs |
##### cameraFacing |
Which camera to use, either back facing or front facing. |
Defaults to the first available value (tries `BACK` first). |
```java |
cameraView.setFacing(Facing.BACK); |
cameraView.setFacing(Facing.FRONT); |
``` |
##### cameraFlash |
Flash mode, either off, on, auto or torch. Defaults to `OFF`. |
```java |
cameraView.setFlash(Flash.OFF); |
cameraView.setFlash(Flash.ON); |
cameraView.setFlash(Flash.AUTO); |
cameraView.setFlash(Flash.TORCH); |
``` |
##### cameraVideoCodec |
Sets the encoder for video recordings. Defaults to `DEVICE_DEFAULT`, |
which should typically be H_264. |
```java |
cameraView.setVideoCodec(VideoCodec.DEVICE_DEFAULT); |
cameraView.setVideoCodec(VideoCodec.H_263); |
cameraView.setVideoCodec(VideoCodec.H_264); |
``` |
##### cameraWhiteBalance |
Sets the desired white balance for the current session. |
Defaults to `AUTO`. |
```java |
cameraView.setWhiteBalance(WhiteBalance.AUTO); |
cameraView.setWhiteBalance(WhiteBalance.INCANDESCENT); |
cameraView.setWhiteBalance(WhiteBalance.FLUORESCENT); |
cameraView.setWhiteBalance(WhiteBalance.DAYLIGHT); |
cameraView.setWhiteBalance(WhiteBalance.CLOUDY); |
``` |
##### cameraHdr |
Turns on or off HDR captures. Defaults to `OFF`. |
```java |
cameraView.setHdr(Hdr.OFF); |
cameraView.setHdr(Hdr.ON); |
``` |
##### cameraAudio |
Turns on or off audio stream while recording videos. |
Defaults to `ON`. |
```java |
cameraView.setAudio(Audio.OFF); |
cameraView.setAudio(Audio.ON); |
``` |
##### cameraAudioBitRate |
Controls the audio bit rate in bits per second. |
Use 0 or a negative value to fallback to the encoder default. Defaults to 0. |
```java |
cameraView.setAudioBitRate(0); |
cameraView.setAudioBitRate(64000); |
``` |
##### cameraVideoMaxSize |
Defines the maximum size in bytes for recorded video files. |
Once this size is reached, the recording will automatically stop. |
Defaults to unlimited size. Use 0 or negatives to disable. |
```java |
cameraView.setVideoMaxSize(100000); |
cameraView.setVideoMaxSize(0); // Disable |
``` |
##### cameraVideoMaxDuration |
Defines the maximum duration in milliseconds for video recordings. |
Once this duration is reached, the recording will automatically stop. |
Defaults to unlimited duration. Use 0 or negatives to disable. |
```java |
cameraView.setVideoMaxDuration(100000); |
cameraView.setVideoMaxDuration(0); // Disable |
``` |
##### cameraVideoBitRate |
Controls the video bit rate in bits per second. |
Use 0 or a negative value to fallback to the encoder default. Defaults to 0. |
```java |
cameraView.setVideoBitRate(0); |
cameraView.setVideoBitRate(4000000); |
``` |
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title: "Debugging" |
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order: 10 |
date: 2018-12-20 20:02:38 |
--- |
`CameraView` will log a lot of interesting events related to the camera lifecycle. These are important |
to identify bugs. The default logger will simply use Android `Log` methods posting to logcat. |
You can attach and detach external loggers using `CameraLogger.registerLogger()`: |
```java |
CameraLogger.registerLogger(new Logger() { |
@Override |
public void log(@LogLevel int level, String tag, String message, @Nullable Throwable throwable) { |
// For example... |
Crashlytics.log(message); |
} |
}); |
``` |
Make sure you enable the logger using `CameraLogger.setLogLevel(@LogLevel int)`. The default will only |
log error events. |
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title: "Error Handling" |
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order: 9 |
date: 2018-12-20 20:02:31 |
--- |
Errors are posted to the registered `CameraListener`s callback: |
```java |
@Override |
public void onCameraError(CameraException error) { |
// Got error! |
}; |
``` |
You are supposed to inspect the `CameraException` object as it contains useful information about |
what happened and what should be done, if anything. All things that fail can end up throwing this |
exception, which includes temporary actions like taking a picture, or functional actions like |
starting the camera preview. |
### Unrecoverable errors |
You can exclude unrecoverable errors using `CameraException.isUnrecoverable()`. |
If this function returns true, at this point the camera has been released and it is likely showing |
a black preview. The operation can't go on. |
You can try to call `camera.start()` again, but that's not guaranteed to work. For example, the |
camera sensor might be in use by another application, so there's nothing we could do. |
### Other errors |
For more fine grained control over what happened, inspect the reason using `CameraException.getReason()`. |
This will return one of the `CameraException.REASON_` constants: |
|Constant|Description|Unrecoverable| |
|--------|-----------|-------------| |
|`REASON_UNKNOWN`|Unknown error. No other info available.|No| |
|`REASON_FAILED_TO_CONNECT`|Failed to connect to the camera service.|Yes| |
|`REASON_FAILED_TO_START_PREVIEW`|Failed to start the camera preview.|Yes| |
|`REASON_DISCONNECTED`|Camera was forced to disconnect by the system.|Yes| |
|`REASON_PICTURE_FAILED`|Could not take a picture or picture snapshot.|No| |
|`REASON_VIDEO_FAILED`|Could not take a video or video snapshot.|No| |
|`REASON_NO_CAMERA`|Could not find a camera for this `Facing` value. You can try another.|No| |
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title: "Frame Processing" |
subtitle: "Process each frame in real time" |
category: docs |
order: 5 |
date: 2018-12-20 20:45:42 |
--- |
We support frame processors that will receive data from the camera preview stream. This is a useful |
feature with a wide range of applications. For example, the frames can be sent to a face detector, |
a QR code detector, the |
[Firebase Machine Learning Kit](, or any other frame consumer. |
```java |
cameraView.addFrameProcessor(new FrameProcessor() { |
@Override |
@WorkerThread |
public void process(Frame frame) { |
byte[] data = frame.getData(); |
int rotation = frame.getRotation(); |
long time = frame.getTime(); |
Size size = frame.getSize(); |
int format = frame.getFormat(); |
// Process... |
} |
} |
``` |
For your convenience, the `FrameProcessor` method is run in a background thread so you can do your job |
in a synchronous fashion. Once the process method returns, internally we will re-use the `Frame` instance and |
apply new data to it. So: |
- you can do your job synchronously in the `process()` method |
- if you must hold the `Frame` instance longer, use `frame = frame.freeze()` to get a frozen instance |
that will not be affected |
### Related APIs |
|Frame API|Type|Description| |
|---------|----|-----------| |
|`camera.addFrameProcessor(FrameProcessor)`|`-`|Register a `FrameProcessor`.| |
|`frame.getData()`|`byte[]`|The current preview frame, in its original orientation.| |
|`frame.getTime()`|`long`|The preview timestamp, in `System.currentTimeMillis()` reference.| |
|`frame.getRotation()`|`int`|The rotation that should be applied to the byte array in order to see what the user sees.| |
|`frame.getSize()`|`Size`|The frame size, before any rotation is applied, to access data.| |
|`frame.getFormat()`|`int`|The frame `ImageFormat`. This will always be `ImageFormat.NV21` for now.| |
|`frame.freeze()`|`Frame`|Clones this frame and makes it immutable. Can be expensive because requires copying the byte array.| |
|`frame.release()`|`-`|Disposes the content of this frame. Should be used on frozen frames to release memory.| |
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title: "Gestures" |
subtitle: "Gestures control" |
category: docs |
order: 4 |
date: 2018-12-20 20:49:35 |
--- |
`CameraView` listen to lots of different gestures inside its bounds. You have the chance to map |
these gestures to particular actions or camera controls, using the `mapGesture()` method. |
This lets you emulate typical behaviors in a single line: |
```java |
cameraView.mapGesture(Gesture.PINCH, GestureAction.ZOOM); // Pinch to zoom! |
cameraView.mapGesture(Gesture.TAP, GestureAction.FOCUS_WITH_MARKER); // Tap to focus! |
cameraView.mapGesture(Gesture.LONG_TAP, GestureAction.CAPTURE); // Long tap to shoot! |
``` |
Simple as that. There are two things to be noted: |
- Not every mapping is valid. For example, you can't control zoom with long taps, or start focusing by pinching. |
- Some actions might not be supported by the sensor. Check out `CameraOptions` to know what's legit and what's not. |
|Gesture|Description|Can be mapped to| |
|-------------|-----------|----------------| |
|`PINCH`|Pinch gesture, typically assigned to the zoom control.|`zoom` `exposureCorrection` `none`| |
|`TAP`|Single tap gesture, typically assigned to the focus control.|`focus` `focusWithMarker` `capture` `none`| |
|`LONG_TAP`|Long tap gesture.|`focus` `focusWithMarker` `capture` `none`| |
|`SCROLL_HORIZONTAL`|Horizontal movement gesture.|`zoom` `exposureCorrection` `none`| |
|`SCROLL_VERTICAL`|Vertical movement gesture.|`zoom` `exposureCorrection` `none`| |
### XML Attributes |
```xml |
<com.otaliastudios.cameraview.CameraView |
app:cameraGesturePinch="zoom|exposureCorrection|none" |
app:cameraGestureTap="focus|focusWithMarker|capture|none" |
app:cameraGestureLongTap="focus|focusWithMarker|capture|none" |
app:cameraGestureScrollHorizontal="zoom|exposureCorrection|none" |
app:cameraGestureScrollVertical="zoom|exposureCorrection|none"/> |
``` |
### Related APIs |
|Method|Description| |
|------|-----------| |
|`mapGesture(Gesture, GestureAction)`|Maps a certain gesture to a certain action. No-op if the action is not supported.| |
|`getGestureAction(Gesture)`|Returns the action currently mapped to the given gesture.| |
|`clearGesture(Gesture)`|Clears any action mapped to the given gesture.| |
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title: "Getting Started" |
subtitle: "Simple guide to take your first picture" |
category: about |
date: 2018-12-20 17:48:58 |
order: 2 |
--- |
To use the CameraView engine, simply add a `CameraView` to your layout: |
```xml |
<com.otaliastudios.cameraview.CameraView |
android:id="@+id/camera" |
android:keepScreenOn="true" |
android:layout_width="wrap_content" |
android:layout_height="wrap_content" /> |
``` |
This is the one and only interface to the engine, and is meant to be hosted inside a UI component |
like `Fragment` or `Activity`. The camera component is bound to the host lifecycle, so, as soon as possible, |
you should register the host: |
```java |
// For activities |
@Override |
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { |
super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); |
CameraView camera = findViewById(; |
camera.setLifecycleOwner(this); |
} |
// For fragments |
@Override |
public void onViewCreated(View view, Bundle savedInstanceState) { |
super.onViewCreated(view, savedInstanceState); |
CameraView camera = findViewById(; |
camera.setLifecycleOwner(getViewLifecycleOwner()); |
} |
``` |
Can't resolve the lifecycle owner interface? Read [below](#without-support-libraries). |
### Set up a CameraListener |
The next thing to do is to add a new `CameraListener` to be notified about camera events. |
You can do this on a per-action basis, but it's easier to just add one when the UI is created: |
```java |
camera.addCameraListener(new CameraListener() { |
@Override |
public void onPictureTaken(PictureResult result) { |
// A Picture was taken! |
} |
@Override |
public void onVideoTaken(VideoResult result) { |
// A Video was taken! |
} |
// And much more |
}) |
``` |
### Take a picture |
We're done. To take a picture upon user input, just call `takePicture()`. |
```java |
camera.addCameraListener(new CameraListener() { |
@Override |
public void onPictureTaken(PictureResult result) { |
// Picture was taken! |
// If planning to save a file, just get the jpeg array. |
byte[] jpeg = result.getJpeg(); |
// If planning to show a Bitmap, we will take care of |
// EXIF rotation and background threading for you... |
result.asBitmap(maxWidth, maxHeight, callback); |
} |
}); |
camera.takePicture(); |
``` |
Read the docs about `takePictureSnapshot()` for a super fast, lower quality alternative. |
### Take a video |
Taking a video is just the same thing, except that you must make sure that camera is in `Mode.VIDEO` mode, |
and that you have write permissions to write the file: |
```java |
camera.addCameraListener(new CameraListener() { |
@Override |
public void onVideoTaken(VideoResult result) { |
// Video was taken! |
// Use result.getFile() to access a file holding |
// the recorded video. |
} |
}); |
// Select output file. Make sure you have write permissions. |
camera.setMode(Mode.VIDEO); |
camera.takeVideo(file); |
// Later... stop recording. This will trigger onVideoTaken(). |
camera.stopVideo(); |
``` |
Read the docs about `takeVideoSnapshot()` for a super fast, lower quality alternative. |
### Configuration and more |
This was it, but there is a ton of other options available to customize the camera behavior, |
to control the sensor, the UI appearance, the quality and size of the output, or to live process |
frames. Keep reading the documentation! |
For runtime permissions and Manifest setup, please read the [permissions page](). |
### Without support libraries |
If you are not using support libraries and you can't resolve the LifecycleOwner interface, |
make sure you override `onResume`, `onPause` and `onDestroy` in your activity (`onDestroyView` |
in your fragment), and call ``, `close()` and `destroy()`. |
```java |
@Override |
protected void onResume() { |
super.onResume(); |
|; |
} |
@Override |
protected void onPause() { |
super.onPause(); |
cameraView.close(); |
} |
@Override |
protected void onDestroy() { |
super.onDestroy(); |
cameraView.destroy(); |
} |
``` |
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title: "Install" |
subtitle: "Integrate in your project" |
category: about |
order: 1 |
date: 2018-12-20 17:47:32 |
--- |
The library works on API 15+, which is the only requirement and should be met by most projects nowadays. |
It is publicly hosted on [JCenter](, where you |
can download the AAR package. To fetch with Gradle, make sure you add the JCenter repository in your root projects `build.gradle` file: |
```groovy |
allprojects { |
repositories { |
jcenter() |
} |
} |
``` |
Then simply download the latest version: |
```groovy |
api 'com.otaliastudios:cameraview:2.0.0-beta01' |
``` |
No other configuration steps are needed. |
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title: "More features" |
subtitle: "Undocumented features & more" |
category: docs |
order: 11 |
date: 2018-12-20 20:41:20 |
--- |
### Extra controls |
```xml |
<com.otaliastudios.cameraview.CameraView |
app:cameraPlaySounds="true|false" |
app:cameraGrid="off|draw3x3|draw4x4|drawPhi" |
app:cameraGridColor="@color/black"/> |
``` |
#### cameraPlaySounds |
Controls whether we should play platform-provided sounds during certain events |
(shutter click, focus completed). Please note that: |
- on API < 16, this flag is always set to `false` |
- the Camera1 engine will always play shutter sounds regardless of this flag |
Defaults to true. |
```java |
cameraView.setPlaySounds(true); |
cameraView.setPlaySounds(false); |
``` |
#### cameraGrid |
Lets you draw grids over the camera preview. Supported values are `off`, `draw3x3` and `draw4x4` |
for regular grids, and `drawPhi` for a grid based on the golden ratio constant, often used in photography. |
Defaults to `OFF`. |
```java |
cameraView.setGrid(Grid.OFF); |
cameraView.setGrid(Grid.DRAW_3X3); |
cameraView.setGrid(Grid.DRAW_4X4); |
cameraView.setGrid(Grid.DRAW_PHI); |
``` |
#### cameraGridColor |
Lets you choose the color for grid lines. |
Defaults to a shade of grey. |
```java |
cameraView.setGridColor(Color.WHITE); |
cameraView.setGridColor(Color.BLACK); |
``` |
### Undocumented features |
Some features and APIs were not documented in this document, including: |
- `CameraUtils` utilities |
- `CameraOptions` options |
- `CameraView.setLocation` APIs |
For informations, please take a look at the javadocs or the source code. |
|Method|Description| |
|------|-----------| |
|`setZoom(float)`, `getZoom()`|Sets a zoom value, where 0 means camera zoomed out and 1 means zoomed in. No-op if zoom is not supported, or camera not started.| |
|`setExposureCorrection(float)`, `getExposureCorrection()`|Sets exposure compensation EV value, in camera stops. No-op if this is not supported. Should be between the bounds returned by CameraOptions.| |
|`setLocation(Location)`|Sets location data to be appended to picture/video metadata.| |
|`setLocation(double, double)`|Sets latitude and longitude to be appended to picture/video metadata.| |
|`getLocation()`|Retrieves location data previously applied with setLocation().| |
|`startAutoFocus(float, float)`|Starts an autofocus process at the given coordinates, with respect to the view dimensions.| |
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title: "Preview Size" |
subtitle: "Measuring behavior" |
category: docs |
order: 7 |
date: 2018-12-20 22:07:17 |
--- |
`CameraView` has a smart measuring behavior that will let you do what you want with a few flags. |
Measuring is controlled simply by `layout_width` and `layout_height` attributes, with this meaning: |
|Value|Meaning| |
|-----|-------| |
|`WRAP_CONTENT`|CameraView will choose this dimension, in order to show the whole preview without cropping. The aspect ratio will be respected.| |
|`MATCH_PARENT`|CameraView will fill this dimension. Part of the content *might* be cropped. |
|Fixed values (e.g. `500dp`)|Same as `MATCH_PARENT`| |
This means that your visible preview can be of any size, not just the presets. |
Whatever you do, the preview will never be distorted - it can only be cropped |
if needed. |
### Examples |
##### Center Inside |
By setting both dimensions to `WRAP_CONTENT`, you can emulate a **center inside** behavior. |
The view will try to fill the available space, but respecting the stream aspect ratio. |
```xml |
<com.otaliastudios.cameraview.CameraView |
android:layout_width="wrap_content" |
android:layout_height="wrap_content" /> |
``` |
This means that the whole preview is visible, and the image output matches what was visible |
during the preview. |
##### Center Crop |
By setting both dimensions to `MATCH_PARENT` or fixed values, you can emulate a **center crop** |
behavior. The camera view will fill the rect. If your dimensions don't match the aspect ratio |
of the internal preview surface, the surface will be cropped to fill the view. |
```xml |
<com.otaliastudios.cameraview.CameraView |
android:layout_width="match_parent" |
android:layout_height="match_parent" /> |
``` |
This means that part of the preview might be hidden, and the output might contain parts of the scene |
that were not visible during the capture, **unless it is taken as a snapshot, since snapshots account for cropping**. |
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title: "Previews" |
subtitle: "Camera preview implementations" |
category: docs |
order: 6 |
date: 2018-12-20 21:58:16 |
--- |
CameraView supports different types of previews, configurable either through the `cameraPreview` |
XML attribute or programmatically with the `Preview` control class. |
This defaults to the new `GL_SURFACE` and it is highly recommended that you do not change this |
to use all the features available. However, experienced user might prefer a different solution. |
### Options |
|Preview|Backed by|Info| |
|-------|---------|----| |
|`Preview.SURFACE`|A `SurfaceView`|This might be better for battery, but will not work well (AFAIR) with dynamic layout changes and similar things. No support for video snapshots.| |
|`Preview.TEXTURE`|A `TextureView`|Better. Requires hardware acceleration. No support for video snapshots.| |
|`Preview.GL_SURFACE`|A `GLSurfaceView`|Supports video snapshots. Might support GL real time filters in the future.| |
The GL surface, as an extra benefit, has a much more efficient way of capturing picture snapshots, |
that avoids OOM errors, rotating the image on the fly, reading EXIF, and other horrible things belonging to v1. |
These picture snapshots will also work while taking videos. |
### XML Attributes |
```xml |
<com.otaliastudios.cameraview.CameraView |
app:cameraPreview="surface|texture|glSurface"/> |
``` |
### Related APIs |
The preview method should only be called once and if the `CameraView` was never added to a window, |
for example if you just created it programmatically. Otherwise, it has no effect. |
|Method|Description| |
|------|-----------| |
|`setPreview(Preview)`|Sets the preview implementation.| |
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--- |
layout: page |
title: "Runtime Permissions" |
subtitle: "Permissions and Manifest setup" |
category: docs |
order: 8 |
date: 2018-12-20 20:03:03 |
--- |
`CameraView` needs two permissions: |
- `android.permission.CAMERA` : required for capturing pictures and videos |
- `android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO` : required for capturing videos with `Audio.ON` (the default) |
### Declaration |
The library manifest file declares the `android.permission.CAMERA` permission, but not the audio one. |
This means that: |
- If you wish to record videos with `Audio.ON` (the default), you should also add |
`android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO` to required permissions |
```xml |
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO"/> |
``` |
- If you want your app to be installed only on devices that have a camera, you should add: |
```xml |
<uses-feature |
android:name="" |
android:required="true"/> |
``` |
If you don't request this feature, you can use `CameraUtils.hasCameras()` to detect if current |
device has cameras, and then start the camera view. |
### Handling |
On Marshmallow+, the user must explicitly approve our permissions. You can |
- handle permissions yourself and then call `cameraView.start()` once they are acquired |
- or call `cameraView.start()` anyway: `CameraView` will present a permission request to the user based on |
whether they are needed or not with the current configuration. |
In the second case, you should restart the camera if you have a successful response from `onRequestPermissionResults()`. |
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@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ |
--- |
layout: default |
title: "CameraView v2" |
--- |
# CameraView |
CameraView is a well documented, high-level library that makes capturing pictures and videos easy, |
addressing most of the common issues and needs, and still leaving you with flexibility where needed. |
- Fast & reliable |
- Gestures support |
- Frame processing support |
- OpenGL powered preview |
- Take high-quality content with `takePicture` and `takeVideo` |
- Take super-fast snapshots with `takePictureSnapshot` and `takeVideoSnapshot` |
- Smart sizing: create a `CameraView` of any size |
- Control HDR, flash, zoom, white balance, exposure, location, grid drawing & more |
- Lightweight: the only dep. is support `ExifInterface` |
- Works down to API level 15 |
- Well tested |
<p align="center"> |
<img src="static/icon.png" vspace="10" width="200" height="200"> |
</p> |
### Get started |
Get started with [install info](about/install.html), [quick setup](about/getting-started.html), or |
read the in-depth [documentation](). |
### Older versions |
This website contains documentation and informations about version 2.X.X of the library. |
For older versions, please take a look at the v1 branch in the [project page]( |
@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ |
#!/usr/bin/env bash |
# |
# Run a local instance of the site. |
bundle exec jekyll serve |
@ -0,0 +1,107 @@ |
#!/usr/bin/env ruby |
require 'date' |
require 'optparse' |
options = { |
# Expects to be in the bin/ sub-directory by default |
:path => File.dirname(File.dirname(__FILE__)) |
} |
parser = do |opt| |
opt.banner = 'usage: jekyll-page TITLE CATEGORY [FILENAME] [OPTIONS]' |
opt.separator '' |
opt.separator 'Options' |
opt.on('-e', '--edit', 'Edit the page') do |edit| |
options[:edit] = true |
end |
opt.on('-l', '--link', 'Relink pages') do |link| |
options[:link] = true |
end |
opt.on('-p PATH', '--path PATH', String, 'Path to project root') do |path| |
options[:path] = path |
end |
opt.separator '' |
end |
parser.parse! |
title = ARGV[0] |
category = ARGV[1] |
filename = ARGV[2] |
# Resolve any relative links |
BASE_DIR = File.expand_path(options[:path]) |
POSTS_DIR = "#{BASE_DIR}/_posts" |
PAGES_DIR = "#{BASE_DIR}/_pages" |
# Ensure the _posts directory exists (we are in the correct directory) |
if not Dir.exists?(POSTS_DIR) |
puts "#{POSTS_DIR} directory does not exists" |
exit |
end |
# Create _pages directory if it doesn't exist |
if not Dir.exists?(PAGES_DIR) |
Dir.mkdir(PAGES_DIR) |
end |
if options[:link] |
Dir.foreach(POSTS_DIR) do |name| |
next if name[0] == '.' |
nodate = name[/\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}-(?<rest>.*)/, 'rest'] |
if File.symlink?("#{PAGES_DIR}/#{nodate}") |
File.delete("#{PAGES_DIR}/#{nodate}") |
end |
abspath = File.absolute_path("#{POSTS_DIR}/#{name}") |
File.symlink(abspath, "#{PAGES_DIR}/#{nodate}") |
end |
end |
if not title or not category |
# This flag can be used by itself, exit silently if no arguments |
# are defined |
if not options[:link] |
puts parser |
end |
exit |
end |
if not filename |
filename = title.downcase.gsub(/[^a-z0-9\s]/, '').gsub(/\s+/, '-') |
end |
|'%F') |
|'%F %T') |
filepath = "#{POSTS_DIR}/#{today}-#{filename}.md" |
symlink = "#{PAGES_DIR}/#{filename}.md" |
if File.exists?(filepath) |
puts "File #{filepath} already exists" |
exit |
end |
content = <<END |
--- |
layout: page |
title: \"#{title}\" |
category: #{category} |
date: #{now} |
--- |
|, 'w') do |file| |
file.puts content |
end |
File.symlink("../_posts/#{today}-#{filename}.md", symlink) |
if options[:edit] |
if not ENV['EDITOR'] |
puts 'No $EDITOR variable set' |
exit |
end |
puts ENV['EDITOR'] |
exec("#{ENV['EDITOR']} #{filename}") |
end |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 122 KiB After Width: | Height: | Size: 122 KiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 113 KiB After Width: | Height: | Size: 113 KiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 62 KiB After Width: | Height: | Size: 62 KiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 46 KiB After Width: | Height: | Size: 46 KiB |